So I had been thinking about who I would have as this weeks Creator Spotlight, and while checking out the solicitations for Marvel's titles and with a press release before hand it was announced that Gerry Duggan would be taking on the Gamma Radiated Green Giant that is Hulk from Mark Waid in August as the Original Sin tie in brings Mark Waid's run to an end. Gerry Duggan is a writer who if I am honest the only work I am familiar with is his Marvel work, first of all alongside Brian Posehn as part of the successful duo on the Marvel NOW! Deadpool and since on his work with Nova.
Thats not to say though that I am not aware of work he has done previous to arriving at Marvel. Now truth be told I am still to read these two books but I have only heard good things. The Last Christmas recently got the deluxe hardcover treatment from Image Comics. Like Deadpool Duggan worked alongside Posehn on this comic and, please don't quote me on this, Rick Remender was on art duties for this comic. Duggan also worked on The Infinite Horizon with Phil Noto once again through Image Comics. From the get go Duggan has had the experience of working with several top creators, including himself, in Phil Noto and the now and the now very familiar name in comics, Rick Remender.
Even though I can't say much for Duggan's earlier work I certainly can for his recent Marvel titles. Duggan is one half of the fan favourite duo on Deadpool. Duggan and Posehn have really put Deadpool through his paces since taking on the Merc with a Mouth. This is where it became evident for me that Duggan is a writer who can develop a story that challenges your emotions, even for a character like Deadpool, and gets you invested in what is going on. There are some very clever twists within this title. But the stories of note for me was the first Dead Presidents arc with Tony Moore, of Walking Dead and Fear Agent fame, and one of my all time favourite arcs of recent time The Good, The Bad and the Ugly where Deadpool teamed up with Cap and Wolverine for a gripping story which makes you feel for Deadpool and how he became to be what he is now, but I don't want to say to much and will just say you should definitely pick this one up, its a title I recommend to all my friends, with the added bonus of some fantastic art from another duo Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire, but more on them in a future post.
Duggan and Posehn are also responsible for finding Deadpool a Wife, yes a wife, this is a storyline that is on my must read list, unfortunately financial constraints really take there toll on what you can and can't buy and difficult choices have to be made.
Now to some writing projects where Duggan works solo, but brings much of the same format you would expect, stories that get you invested in the character but added and clever humour that breaks the tension. Duggan had the responsibility of taking over Nova from Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness who previously had the responsibility of introducing this new character during the Marvel NOW! Now being well established and with a fan base behind him picking up this book, Marvel really are pushing there "Sci-Fi" lines right now, Duggan was given the responsibility of fleshing out this new character further. Introducing a really great concept which had the character Sam Alexander collecting the helmets of dead Nova's, Duggan has put the character through his paces and has really shown a growth and maturity in this characters heroics, also using another fan favourite in Beta Ray Bill, to give a little I would almost say hostile tuition, at least at first. Marvel clearly have a lot of faith in Duggan and he has definitely proven why, and this is further evident in the stories he will be telling during the current Original Sin event.
Duggan will be responsible for telling the Original Sins of both charcters in his current on going series'. Deadpool will see him delve back into Deadpool's past to bring us what appears, from the teaser image, to be the sad demise of Deadpool's family. He will also have the responsibility of telling Sam Alexander's, Nova's, story who is not only going to be reeling from the death of his friend and silent mentor The Watcher but also the hunt for his Dad who with one of his last appearances the watcher made Sam realise is still out there and still alive. I just can not wait to see what Duggan does with these two stories and concepts and look forward to seeing them come to life when the issues are released.
Finally as mentioned at the beginning of the post, and what is really more evidence of the faith Marvel are putting in Duggan, he will be taking over the "Hulk" from Mark Waid in August, and in yet another out there concept we will see, with a Hulk story titled "The Omega Hulk" which will see the Hulk/ Banner hunting down other men and women who like him have special powers from gamma radiation and its also promised we should expect to see every character with Hulk in their name. I for one will be looking to pick this up come August and I really look forward to seeing what Duggan can do with one of Marvel's more A-List characters, originally created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. I hope this is yet another stepping stone to Duggan bringing his fantastic storytelling to other Marvel titles.
So to summarise if you haven't been reading any of Duggan's current Marvel titles I strongly recommend you head to you Local Comic Store and find there trade paperback section and grab yourselves a copy of the Deadpool volumes containing the "Dead Presidents" arc and "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly". And for good measure why not grab a copy of Nova Vol. 3: Nova Corpse.