Saturday, 31 May 2014

Fan Friday Creator Spotlight: Natasha Allegri

A day late on this one, and that's a little frustrating as I had got all the pics and videos set up before hand and all I needed to do was write what I had to say. But here I am now and here I go. Natasha Allegri is the brains behind Bee and Puppycat a new animated TV series coming to Cartoon Hangover on YouTube she is also the creator of Fionna and Cake, gender swapped versions of Finn and Jake in Adventure Time. Not only that she is also a storyboard revisionist for Adventure Time itself. Well if that isn't enough credits to her name she has also dabbled in comics alongside animation but we will go more into that further on. But if you haven't heard of Bee and Puppycat make sure you check out the video for the first Bee and Puppcat animated episode, which spearheaded the new series to come later this year.

Not only did Natasha create the gender swapped characters for Adventure Time she has also written and illustrated a 6 issue limited series, "Adventure Time with Fionna & Cake". This was an incredibly popular book, I have struggled to find and back issue copies of this as unfortunately it wasn't until it had been out some time that I found both Adventure Time and the comics related to the programme. If like me you missed this limited issue run BOOM! Studios will be collecting all six issues into one of the fantastic Mathematical Editions, check out the cover below. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy and be able to read the adventures of Fionna & Cake, unfortunately due to not knowing about the programme until recently, or mainly watching it when it appeared on Netflix and couldn't stop watching,  I have only seen the one episode of the TV show containing these characters as I was able to get my hand on copies of Season 1 to 3 on Blu-Ray. This is Natasha Allegri's first comic work I am aware of and it is only earlier in this month that her new comic for her creator owned Bee and Puppycat came out.

After getting confirmed to be receiving a series on Cartoon Hangover, the same YouTube channel that brings us the brilliant Bravest Warriors, one of the first announcements was that Bee and Puppycat will be getting its own comic alongside other familiar Kaboom! imprints such as Adventure Time and Bravest Warriors. Bee and Puppycat pairs up a young female character who can't hold a steady job and has just been fired by her employer when she comes across this dog, cat thing, Puppycat of course. Now I don't want to say to much more in case you are still yet to check out the video at the beginning of the post. But if you are a fan of Adventure Time and also a fan of the likes of Bravest Warriors and other Cartoon Network, Cartoon Hangover animated works then I strongly suggest you check this out. Natasha brings the same humour and brilliant expressions to the comic as were in the first animated shorts for her characters. This comics also feature a back up that closer link into that first episode. So for me Natasha Allegri is certainly someone to be keeping an eye on, with her creator owned TV series still to come later this year and her comic just starting I can only imagine this is an exciting year for the young creator.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

AXIS: A Marvel's Comic Event this Fall... The Heroes confirmed...

 A much better quality image has been released for the other half of the AXIS preview cover promoting the Special Edition: New York Comic Convention. The biggest surprise is the Heroes are not like to like with the Villains as it was imagined would be the case. No Spider-Man even though both Green Goblin and Carnage are in the image. The only like for like Hero and Villain is the step brothers Thor and Loki. As this is on a poster for the debut of the Special Edition it is obvious we can expect more news on the event in a couple of weeks time and keep your eyes on the blog for the news as it hits the web.

My Anticipated Title of the Week 28-05-2014: Guardians of the Galaxy #15

My anticipated title of the week, 28-05-2014, Guardians of the Galaxy #15. Fan favourite Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, joins the team and also more Nick Bradshaw art, now one of the proud members of Marvel's All-New Young Guns.

Preview courtesy of CBR:

Monday, 26 May 2014

My Picks of the August 2014 Solicitations...

So over the past couple of weeks the solicitations for August 2014 have been rolling out. There have been some exciting announcements and also a lot of cancellations, mainly over at DC Comics. The publishers that continue to keep brining out exciting titles in my mind are BOOM! Studios and Image Comics. Check out below for links to the full lists for each publisher and My Picks of the August 2014 Solicitations;



Dark Horse:

Image Comics:

BOOM! Studios:


BOOM! Studios: Steven Universe #1

Steven Universe is my top pick for the August 2014 Solicitations. Why? You may ask. Well a few weeks back I stumbled across the TV show and it is brilliant. A catchy theme tune, funny episodes and with only a 10 minute per episode format, much like Adventure Time, they are cleverly written to keep you invested in the story and the characters. Steven is a doughnut eating, ukulele playing 12 year old who inherited one of the crystal gems from his mother, but I'll leave it there as if you haven't watched the series, YOU SHOULD, and if you plan on grabbing the comic it will all be explained there. I am excited to have another outlet for the adventures of this character and BOOM! Studios are always doing great things with there licensed properties.

DC Comics: Batman #34

Well August sees the first issue post Zero Year. For this issue Greg Capullo will be given a deserved rest and Snyder will be working with one of the rising stars right now Matteo Scalera, who you may know from his work on Secret Avengers, Indestructible Hulk and well I'm sure you have all heard of it Black Science with Rick Remender. I look forward mostly to Matteo Scalera's take on the character and for a fully illustrated Bat-Story by the artist. The other exciting thing is this issue will be the stepping stone for the main on-going Bat title to step into the already set up Batman Eternal storyline from the new weekly series. From what I understand the s**t is about to hit the fan. This will well be worth a pick just for the art alone I am sure of it.

Marvel Comics: Superior Spider-Man #32

Missing Doc Ock Spidey? I sure as hell am. So when this cover appeared in the solicits and the offical news rolled out online that Christos Gage and Giuseppe Camuncoli will be writing 2 more issues of the Superior Spidey a huge grin appeared on my face. As happy as I am to see Peter Parker back in his own body and the Amazing title appear back on the shelves. It was fundamentally Superior Spider-Man that got me back into the Spidey-Books. These two issues are reported to be a prelude to the upcoming Spider-Man event "Spider-Verse" and will also include the adventures of Superior Spider-Man's time in the 2099 universe from his brief trip there in the previous issues of his own title. I can't wait to get my self some for Superior Spidey come August!

Obviously I have my regular pick list and as always they are the titles I will looking forward to each month but above are the highlights for of what was in August's solicitations. In the run up to San Diego I am sure the announcements will begin to get even more exciting again, along with the announcements that will be made this June for the Special Edition NYC where Marvel have already been confirmed to have a presence with the new Young Guns. But more on that at a later date, for this post those are my picks of the solicitations for August 2014, what were yours?

Star Wars: First Spin-Off Movie to be directed by Godzilla director Gareth Edwards

It has been officially announced that the next Star Wars film will be directed by Gareth Edwards with a screenplay from Gary Whitta. I gotta be honest I am not that familiar with there work, but from the statement below the important thing for me is they are fans of the films and from what I understand Edwards is a super fan of the original trilogy. The other exciting news is that we will get another Star Wars film within a year of the release of Episode VII. This could be seen as exciting as it is worrying, we may get a little bit of a Star Wars over load only time will tell. Now its just time to work out who or what the stand-alone movie will be about, many believe these stand-alone movies will be character based and popular guesses have been Yoda, Han Solo or fan favourite character Boba Fett. I find it difficult to see them doing a film about a younger Han Solo as that would require casting someone other than Harrison Ford. One thing I am certain of is that we are still to hear a lot of news regarding both this and the next instalment of the trilogy and for now I will just have to stick with being as nervous as I am excited for this new era in the Star Wars universe. See the official statement below.
"In addition to the episodes of a new Star Wars trilogy, Lucasfilm and Disney have begun development on multiple stand-alone movies that will offer new stories beyond the core Saga. Gareth Edwards will direct the first stand-alone film, with a screenplay by Gary Whitta. The film is due out December 16, 2016.
Gareth Edwards blazed into the filmmaking forefront with his acclaimed work on Monsters, a film he wrote, directed and served on as cinematographer and visual effects artist. The skill and vision readily apparent in Monsters earned him the high-profile spot directing this year's smash hit Godzilla.
"Ever since I saw Star Wars I knew exactly what I wanted to do for the rest of my life -- join the Rebel Alliance! I could not be more excited and honored to go on this mission with Lucasfilm," said Edwards.
Gary Whitta's screenwriting credits include 2010's The Book of Eli starring Denzel Washington. He is also well known as a journalist and editor in the video game industry, as well as part of the BAFTA award-winning team on Telltale Games adaptation of The Walking Dead.
Whitta states, "From the moment I first saw the original movie as a wide-eyed kid, Star Wars has been the single most profound inspiration to my imagination and to my career as a writer. It is deeply special to me,so to be given the opportunity to contribute to its ongoing legacy, especially in collaboration with a film-maker as talented as Gareth, is literally a dream come true. I'm still pinching myself.""

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Moon Knight #6 the conclusion for Ellis, Bellaire and Shalvey?

So I was trying to make sense of the last line and decipher what it actually means. Does it mean it is the conclusion to this first arc from this impressive creative team on the title. Or does it mean that this is the end of their work on the title all together and come September a new creative team will be on the book. I for one have really been enjoying this book, although biased as I am a big fan of Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire.

Warren Ellis (W)
Declan Shalvey & JORDIE BELLAIRE (A/C)
• A threat from the first issue is back to cause problems for Moon Knight!
• This mysterious person is the new BLACK SPECTRE and it doesn't mean anything good for the protector of night travelers.
• Don't miss the conclusion of Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire.
32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99"

But while reading this weeks Axel in Charge on CBR the below question was fielded to him and his answer gives a bit more sense to the term conclusion. Meaning the end of the first volume, but doesn't really answer the question regarding whether the current creative team will still be working on the title. I for one, hope they will be. If not and it is the case that issue 6 is their last issue I certainly hope that Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire will be announced on a new title soon.

"Also, the "Moon Knight" solicitation promises a "conclusion" in #6. People
are wondering what that means -- can you confirm or deny that Warren Ellis, Declan Shavley and Jordie Bellaire's story ends with #6?
Alonso: "Moon Night: Volume One" concludes with issue #6. "Moon Knight: Volume Two" starts the next month. We'll have more to say about that soon, and I'm very excited."

Marvel Disney really working on some great things, from video games, to their first animated movie.

I wouldn't say I was ever a massive fan of Disney, I enjoyed 101 Dalmations and more of there recent animations in the likes of Hercules, Emperors New Groove and Tarzan. But my first real love for Disney was Toy Story in 1995, I would have been 5 years old and I still have the Woody and Buzz pin badges that my dad brought me on that day, it was also the first ever film I saw in a cinema. But my point is I'm now at the age of 23 going on 24 and my love for Disney continues, especially as they continue to acquire many of my favourite franchises, from Marvel to Star Wars, and this is finally beginning to pay off. What Marvel Disney related projects am I most excited for at the mo, I'll go over the current two below.

Below is the trailer for Big Hero 6. I don't know much about the characters, other than they are a Marvel creation from quite a while back and that it was a team based book. In the very funny video below, created by the makers of Frozen and Wreck it Ralph, we see a young boy putting together his dream robot. This manages to real mix together the Disney magic with the Marvel spirit. This is the first Marvel property to be created by Disney and more importantly Disney Animated Studios. I can't wait for this to come out, but as per other Disney Animated Studios titles its coming out in the UK quite a while after its Stateside debut.

Another Disney led project, although Joe Quesada Creative Editor in Chief of Marvel and Brian Michael Bendis who put together the storyline for the Marvel packs, is Disney Infinity, the Skylanders like game, which incorporates actions figures alongside gameplay, now for someone like me who loves collecting action figures and loves Marvel this really is calling out to me and the video below gets me even more excited for the so called Disney Infinity 2.0 Marvel Super Heroes. I really wanted to grab the original Disney Infinity when it came out and hope to still grab a copy soon. When I do maybe I'll try and take some high res images of the figures, which from the ones I have seen in stores are of a pretty decent quality. Should there be any more videos for this I will post them on the blog as soon as I can.

My Pick of the Week 21/05/2014: Thor God of Thunder #22

My Pick of the Week 21/05/2014;

Thor God of Thunder #22
Publisher: Marvel

Written by: Jason Aaron
Illustrated by: Esad Ribic
Colors by: Ive Svorcina
Letters by: Joe Sabino

Jason Aaron has been responsible for, in my opinion, probably the best Thor comic series in recent times, with his Gorr the God Butcher and God Bomb, saga shall we say, at the beginning of his Marvel NOW! run. One of the highlights of The God Butcher arc was the portrayal of Thor's from 3 separate points of his past, present and future. But I must make sure I note that it is not just Aaron who makes this comic book what it is it is also the incredibly detailed and gorgeous illustrations and pencil work by Esad Ribic that really brings these stories to life. After dropping off the title during its unofficial but obvious tie in to Thor: The Dark World where Mekelith appeared for a story line, Mekelith the Accursed. I returned with issue 19 the first in the Last Days of Midgard storyline. This issue is the 4th issue in The Last Days of Midgard arc and we once again have current Thor's storyline mixed in with a story from the future with King Thor taking on Galactus.

What makes this issue great is how various previous elements from Aaron's run and also points from other corners of the Marvel Universe are intertwined, really making this Thor story feel its own while still being a part of the greater scheme of things. Within this issue Thor's battle with Roxxon takes one more step towards its dramatic conclusion. But if I am to be honest it is King Thor in the futures battle against Galactus to save a barren and desolate Earth, Midgard which he holds so dear, that I find most compelling. The arrival of his daughters or should I say self proclaimed "Girls of Thunder", Ellisiv, Frigg and Atli each holding a weapon from Thor's past, those of his Warriors Three Fandral and Hogun, the weapon Stormbreaker the weapon of Beta Ray Bill and most recently Jarnbjorn the weapon that can slay Celestials. No matter how strong they fight Galactus it is clear even with there joint might they are no match for Galactus. What really symbolises how dire this situation is, is the final page, beautifully rendered by Ribic, of King Thor reaching into the far reaches of the universe to obtain the only weapon that gives hope for Earth the black weapon of Gorr The God Butcher, and for those of us who have been reading this title since the beginning the implication of this is quite evident.

Although I am enjoying the stories of present Thor and his new romance interest in the forms of a environmentally friendly S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Roz Solomon, who does have some great moments during conversations with Agent Coulson, and there fight to save Broxton where Asgard currently floats above. It is the battle of future King Thor that I am truly thoroughly enjoying. Many like myself have been waiting for a Thor title telling stories epic in proportion and deserving of the character and Aaron is doing a fantastic job of this and fleshing out the character, as far as I am concerned Aaron could write King Thor in his own on-going series or even a limited series. I can not wait for the next issue which will see the epic conclusion to King Thor's battle against Galactus and present Thor's battle against Roxxon and the Minotaur which has been expertly set up with this issue, will this story have a happy ending, "not even a god can save everyone".

Friday, 23 May 2014

Fan Friday Creator Spotlight: Gerry Duggan

So I had been thinking about who I would have as this weeks Creator Spotlight, and while checking out the solicitations for Marvel's titles and with a press release before hand  it was announced that Gerry Duggan would be taking on the Gamma Radiated Green Giant that is Hulk from Mark Waid in August as the Original Sin tie in brings Mark Waid's run to an end. Gerry Duggan is a writer who if I am honest the only work I am familiar with is his Marvel work, first of all alongside Brian Posehn as part of the successful duo on the Marvel NOW! Deadpool and since on his work with Nova.

Thats not to say though that I am not aware of work he has done previous to arriving at Marvel. Now truth be told I am still to read these two books but I have only heard good things. The Last Christmas recently got the deluxe hardcover treatment from Image Comics. Like Deadpool Duggan worked alongside Posehn on this comic and, please don't quote me on this, Rick Remender was on art duties for this comic. Duggan also worked on The Infinite Horizon with Phil Noto once again through Image Comics. From the get go Duggan has had the experience of working with several top creators, including himself, in Phil Noto and the now and the now very familiar name in comics, Rick Remender.

Even though I can't say much for Duggan's earlier work I certainly can for his recent Marvel titles. Duggan is one half of the fan favourite duo on Deadpool. Duggan and Posehn have really put Deadpool through his paces since taking on the Merc with a Mouth. This is where it became evident for me that Duggan is a writer who can develop a story that challenges your emotions, even for a character like Deadpool, and gets you invested in what is going on. There are some very clever twists within this title. But the stories of note for me was the first Dead Presidents arc with Tony Moore, of Walking Dead and Fear Agent fame, and one of my all time favourite arcs of recent time The Good, The Bad and the Ugly where Deadpool teamed up with Cap and Wolverine for a gripping story which makes you feel for Deadpool and how he became to be what he is now, but I don't want to say to much and will just say you should definitely pick this one up, its a title I recommend to all my friends, with the added bonus of some fantastic art from another duo Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire, but more on them in a future post.

Duggan and Posehn are also responsible for finding Deadpool a Wife, yes a wife, this is a storyline that is on my must read list, unfortunately financial constraints really take there toll on what you can and can't buy and difficult choices have to be made.

Now to some writing projects where Duggan works solo, but brings much of the same format you would expect, stories that get you invested in the character but added and clever humour that breaks the tension. Duggan had the responsibility of taking over Nova from Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness who previously had the responsibility of introducing this new character during the Marvel NOW! Now being well established and with a fan base behind him picking up this book, Marvel really are pushing there "Sci-Fi" lines right now, Duggan was given the responsibility of fleshing out this new character further. Introducing a really great concept which had the character Sam Alexander collecting the helmets of dead Nova's, Duggan has put the character through his paces and has really shown a growth and maturity in this characters heroics, also using another fan favourite in Beta Ray Bill, to give a little I would almost say hostile tuition, at least at first. Marvel clearly have a lot of faith in Duggan and he has definitely proven why, and this is further evident in the stories he will be telling during the current Original Sin event.

Duggan will be responsible for telling the Original Sins of both charcters in his current on going series'. Deadpool will see him delve back into Deadpool's past to bring us what appears, from the teaser image, to be the sad demise of Deadpool's family. He will also have the responsibility of telling Sam Alexander's, Nova's, story who is not only going to be reeling from the death of his friend and silent mentor The Watcher but also the hunt for his Dad who with one of his last appearances the watcher made Sam realise is still out there and still alive. I just can not wait to see what Duggan does with these two stories and concepts and look forward to seeing them come to life when the issues are released.

Finally as mentioned at the beginning of the post, and what is really more evidence of the faith Marvel are putting in Duggan, he will be taking over the "Hulk" from Mark Waid in August, and in yet another out there concept we will see, with a Hulk story titled "The Omega Hulk" which will see the Hulk/ Banner hunting down other men and women who like him have special powers from gamma radiation and its also promised we should expect to see every character with Hulk in their name. I for one will be looking to pick this up come August and I really look forward to seeing what Duggan can do with one of Marvel's more A-List characters, originally created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. I hope this is yet another stepping stone to Duggan bringing his fantastic storytelling to other Marvel titles.

So to summarise if you haven't been reading any of Duggan's current Marvel titles I strongly recommend you head to you Local Comic Store and find there trade paperback section and grab yourselves a copy of the Deadpool volumes containing the "Dead Presidents" arc and "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly". And for good measure why not grab a copy of Nova Vol. 3: Nova Corpse.

AXIS: A Marvel Comics Event Coming This Fall... the heroes

So I was happily scrolling through my Twitter feed this afternoon when I came across this post containing a photo taken by someone which sure looks like it contains the Heroes for the up and coming Marvel event, answering the guesses and confirming the 2 thought to be in the background. So from this image it looks as though our heroes will be headed by Iron Man, with Deadpool, Medusa, Storm as already guessed and Thor and Luke Cage who can be seen in the back. I'm sure there will be a more official image released in time and also more to be announced evidently at Special Edition NYC in June 2014. Unfortunately in my excitement in seeing this image I didn't manage to take note of who published the tweet but whoever you are thank you.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Star Wars: Force for Change - A Message from J.J. Abrams

Certainly worth checking this video out for two reasons, you get to see a little of the current set work in Abu Dhabi, alongside learning how you could become a part of the film at Pinewood studios and meeting the cast while also helping launch the Star Wars Force For Change initiative which supports Unicef, Innovation Labs and Programs.

AXIS: A Marvel Comics Event this Fall

Since the beginning of the week and coming out of the Diamond Retailer Summit there have been various grainy photos highlighting the image for the cover of the next Previews Magazine to come out next week. This contains all titles coming out in August, and although on the cover of the magazine there is no sign of the new event within the solicitations.

After browsing several comic news sites it is believed that this is because as Marvel already have their own independent previews magazine they only get the opportunity to feature on the cover of the main magazine a couple of times a year, and because of this chose to tease an image for the next event to come after Original Sin. I wasn't surprised to not see it arrive in the August solicits seeing as it is only in that month that Original Sin comes to an end and although in the current age of comics there seems to be a swift turn around in events I feel it is more likely we will be seeing this in October, November time.

In regards to the image itself though, we have Red Skull in his Onslaught get up, alongside Carnage, Loki, Sabretooth, Green Goblin and Dr Doom, making up the new Axis of evil, now as with the logo being able to be read both sides up it looks as though there is a "mirror" or reflected image which I believe contains our heroes from the book, and don't quote me on this, but from the sliver of image I think I can make out, Iron Man, Deadpool, Storm and Medusa/ Black Widow, I would assume there are a couple more but these may be hidden behind the other characters much like, I say Medusa/ Black Widow as this is a Avengers and X-Men event and although Medusa does not necessarily come under either of these banners there is a relatively long looking flick of red hair within the bottom of the image.

I for one can not wait to see this, and with the likes of Jim Cheung illustrating this teaser image, he seems to be the event starter of late, Marvel look like they are throwing everything at this. For now though all we know for certain is that Rick Remender will be the writer of this event, so may be worth paying more attention to Uncanny Avengers as I imagine this may tie in quite heavily.

Fan Friday on a Wednesday Creator Spotlight: Becky Cloonan

My first experience of the work of Becky Cloonan was during her collaboration with Brian Wood on Conan the Barbarian at Dark Horse. There was something about her style that really suited the character and story being told. It's safe to say that from this point on I was hooked.

From this point onward I would regularly check her blog for posts and updates on titles and projects she was working on. It's no surprise to me that Becky has seen a rapid rise from both her independent work and work for hire. It was from researching this I found she had previously worked with Brian Wood on a Vertigo title, Demo, along with another Vertigo project with a different collaborator on American Virgin.

Becky Cloonan has worked with some of the biggest names in the biz right now, with Scott Snyder on Batman, the first female artist to do so, and his creator owned work American Vampire contributing to an Anthology issue peppered with other great creators. She has also worked with Kieron Gillen on his and Jamie McKelvie's critically acclaimed Young Avengers. Not to mention her most recent project alongside Gerard Way at Dark Horse, True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys. And from conventions it appears to me that these aren't just collaborators or work for the sake of hire jobs, these are people who she is friends with and people she enjoys collaborating with.

But for me her biggest success story has been her creator owned work. I first came across this by accident while checking her blog, to be truthful the first I saw was The Mire which was in fact her second creator owned title after Wolves, and although not available from the UK at that time I grabbed myself a couple of copies from her online store. It was safe to say I thoroughly enjoyed both these titles, and it obviously wasn't just me as she went on to win an Eisner for her comic The Mire. In between all her "mainstream" projects she continued working on her next creator owned issue in Demeter which is my favourite to date, and once again I believe nominated for an Eisner! I immediately grabbed myself a regular copy and silk screen printed copy.

If you happen to be a fan of Becky's work from reading the main stream titles you are in luck as she has released a collection of the three titles in one place, By Chance or Providence, which while with limited stock should be available from any reputable comic store, however the moment I saw this on Twitter I pre-ordered mine from her online store and received the good news yesterday that it has been shipped and is on its way. Speaking of which as you will see at the bottom of this post Becky Cloonan is currently touring to promote the book and doing signings at various locations and GOSH! Comics, a fine establishment in London, has a launch party and event in London this Friday, 23-05-2014. I'm hoping to get along to that and if your a fan I recommend you should too.

1 Berwick Street

London W1F 0DR

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

"Ohhh... Yeahhh!" Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer! "I Am Groot!"

My Pick of the Week 14/05/2014: Lumberjanes #2

My Pick of the Week 14/05/2014;

Lumberjanes #2
Publisher: BOOM! Box (BOOM! Studios)

Written by: Noelle Stevenson/ Grace Ellis
Illustrated by: Brooke Allen
Colors by: Maarta Laiho
Letters by: Aubrey Aiese

So as I am writing this I have just read some great news that after the success of the past 2 issues of Lumberjanes it has now become an on-going series. One of the first reasons this is a pick of the week is the fact that I had taken this off of my monthly Pick List, but when seeing it on the shelves again, I just had to pick up the issue as it reminded me how much I enjoyed the first one. This comic is a fun filled, action packed, adventurous bundle of joy. Noelle Stevenson, previously known for her own web-comic NIMONA, has put together a wonderful concept based on the most American of things, Summer Camp, but obviously being a comic this is no normal summer camp.

Only two issues in and Ripley is fast becoming my favourite character, the energetic, go getting, fun loving character who always seems to think outside the box. This issue our group of camp goers are setting off on a relaxing boat trip down the river. Well of course it wasn't relaxing, they get drawn into rapids and then a fantastic battle with a sea creature, who for some reason has 3 eyes. Much like the foxes in the issue before. Drama ensues with Mal being thrown over board and Molly having to save her from the water, while the others take on this river serpent. Just as you thought things couldn't get worse the group head back to camp, but of course as has already been evident with this group it's never that simple. The character who seems to bring the chaos with them brings it once again as their chocolate bar is stolen by a three eyed eagle, seems to be a common theme, and after climbing a tree Ripley falls and upon landing opens up a hidden tunnel into a cave. Well what else does one do when a mysterious cavern is unearthed? Well jump in of course. This leaves us with the group stumbling across a hidden cavern containing statues which may well answer some questions about these three eyes creatures and hopefully we will find out more come the next issue.

Brooke Allen's art is energetic and brings a fantastic life to the characters, portraying pin point emotion, from elation, to sadness and worry. You really feel the adventures with these characters as they take on the stream, the rapids and the monster and find yourselves throwing your hands in the air as they slide down the tunnel into the hidden cavern. Another great little touch with this comic is the small added extras they sneak in, like the cover and song list at the back of the comic for a soundtrack put together by one of the creators. When I head to my local comic store this Wednesday this is a title I will most certainly be getting added to my Standing Order.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Star Wars Episode VII Officially Begins Production

So production has finally begun on Star Wars Episode VII, its official, and although it is believed there are still a few more cast announcements to be made, plus matching up the cast announcements with the characters they will be playing, excluding the original cast obviously.

After writing my May 4th post I realised how much I am actually excited for this and any news regarding it, along with the Star Wars Rebels series which I think looks awesome. So I have decided to put a Star Wars link on the navigation above and when any interesting Star Wars news catches my attentions I will put a post together with links to the source and everything. So until the next exciting bit of news, rumour or official, heres the image that was posted alongside the news that Star Wars Episode VII is now in production.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

My Pick of the Week 07/05/2014: Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man

My Pick of the Week 07/05/2014;

Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #1
Publisher: Marvel Comics

Written by: Brian Michael Bendis
Illustrated by: Dave Marquez
Colors by: Justin Ponsor
Letters by: Cory Petit

So I may have dropped off of Ultimate Spider-Man after the end of the epic Venom War and as it linked in with Cataclysm. When I heard that the Ultimate Universe was going to be getting a re-vamp I was excited to hear the new title for Miles Morales solo book, he has been something of a break out character since his first appearance. Now the solicit teased a lot, the return of one of Peter Parker's greatest enemies and a last page that will have all Ultimate Spider-Man fans "Screaming!".

The synopsis did not disappoint, in this one issue a new status quo is set for what I imagine will be the on-going story for some time. The enemy returning after all this time is none other than Norman Osborn himself the Green Goblin, and I must admit this is my first time experiencing the Ultimate Green Goblin, and he has an awesome look, and a pretty explosive entrance to this issue. We get more insight into the developing relationship between Miles and Kate Bishop, who he is currently struggling with deciding whether to tell about his secret identity or not, along with his father being missing, after finding out he is Ultimate Spider-Man. A couple of new villains are introduced at the beginning of the issue, with a slight Spider-Manesque look to them. After all these re-introductions and new introductions and development we get to that last page and the question we are all left asking is, is that the real Peter Parker? It was my understanding that once dead in the Ultimate Universe you stay dead.

This is a really good start to a new era for Miles Morales. I will continue to pick up the series, work out the mystery of the "Peter Parker" that has arrived, with many believing this will be the Ultimate version of the Clone Saga. If there is one thing that is definitely guaranteed with this comic it is great art and stories from a pair of creators that have really fallen in sync with one another. This issue works as a good jumping on point for new readers and I really recommend giving it a go, the Ultimate universe gets a lot of bad press, but the one title that certainly keeps itself at a high standard is Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man work.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Fan Friday Creator Spotlight: Francesco Francavilla

I’ve always wanted to do a series of small short posts spotlighting some of my favourite creators in the comics industry a short summary, images of their work and links to their sites and where you can see their work for yourselves. To begin this new series of posts I begin with one of my favourite artists from the past few years, Francesco Francavilla.

Franceso Francavilla is an Eisner winning Cover Artist who has fast become a familiar and easily recognisable sight on our comic book shelves with his unique art style and fantastic cover work. I first came across Francavilla when reading Black Mirror by Scott Snyder, himself and Jock. He brought his unique ‘noir’ style to the character and a tone that complimented the story.

I immediately had to do a little more research and found his Blogger, which is well worth checking out although like many he has now moved to Tumblr, where he makes regular posts with more artwork and one of the highlights for me was his illustrations made while watching episodes of Doctor Who, these would summarise the episode in one image and would have been great posters for the episodes, quite obvious why IDW decided to get Francavilla to create variant covers for there Doctor Who 50th anniversary series Doctor Who Prisoner of Time.

Scott Snyder isn’t the only high profile writer Francavilla has worked with, he has been on many of my favourite comics from Guardians of the Galaxy where he worked with Brian Michael Bendis for the titles Infinity tie in and the much loved Hawkeye with Matt Fraction. He is currently the regular interior and cover artist for Afterlife with Archie, alongside his other variant cover work for various publishers. 

He isn't just an artist though he has also taken a turn at writing with his critically acclaimed creator owned series Black Beetle published by Dark Horse which is up for an Eisner this year for Best Limited Series so good luck to him. Francavilla continues to receive high praise and this is only evident in him receiving yet another Eisner nomination, I am sure there will be plenty more to come from him.

I would certainly recommend checking out his work on Black Mirror, which alongside Francavilla's great artwork it is also a brilliant Batman story. Black Beetle is a fun read, I am still to get Necrologue but thoroughly enjoyed No Way Out. Click the links above to check out his Blogger and Tumblr.