Tuesday 10 February 2015

Spider-Man is coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe!...

It's been long rumoured and finally it's been officially announced. Sony Entertainment will be collaborating with Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige co-producing with Sony's Amy Pascal, to bring Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and collaborate on the next solo film to be released 28/07/2017. It's worth noting two things from the statement the new Spider-Man will first appear in a Marvel cinematic Universe film, most likely this will be Captain America: Civil War, and that Sony still have financial and creative control along with distribution rights and still have ownership of the character. I just hope that they take advantage of having the likes of Kevin Feige when creating the next film and also that this will turn out to be the Spider-Man we've all been hoping for.

On a disappointing note to this announcement it is being reported that Andrew Garfield will not be keeping his role as Spider-Man in these future instalments which is a shame as I really enjoyed his portrayal of the character. If this is true we will get a new casting for the character which will surely happen soon if it he will first be appearing in Civil War as rumoured. The big question is, will this be Peter Parker Spider-Man? Could they decide to go with Miles Morales, if they were too it would certainly be controversial but considering the amount of Peter Parker we have had in recent years Mile Morales wouldn't be unwelcome as far as I'm concerned. But the fact this this is most likely linking in with Civil War the chances are much higher that this will still be Peter Parker hitting the big screen.

I look forward to more news and announcements on this one. For the official Marvel release click the link below.

Sunday 8 February 2015

The Inhumans are here... What does this mean for the remainder of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2?

IGN exclusively revealed the Mid-Season trailer for the return of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2. After the events of the final episode before the Mid-Season break, the arrival of the long rumoured Inhumans, what does this mean for the series moving forward? Marvel continue there push to bring Inhumans into the limelight. There are more questions to be answered in the second half of the series and I can't wait for this to return to the screens on Tuesday March the 3rd. Check out the trailer below;

Howard the Duck #1 gets a preview! And it looks great...

Were you, like many sitting there till the end of the credits during Guardians of the Galaxy. Were you like many surprised to see this scene "only" comprised of a cocktail sipping talking duck named Howard? Were you like many even aware this was a duck named Howard? Well after becoming one of the easter egg highlights of Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel are making sure we know who he is with the new on-going Howard the Duck title coming this March from the creative team of Chip Zdarsky, Joe Quinones and Rico Renzi. A preview for the title has finally been released, without a goose in sight, and it look's great, I mean really great, I'm even more excited for this now than I thought I would be. Just a little note, Rico Renzi's colours for this are gorgeous I haven't seen Quinone's work coloured as flat as this before and it looks great, I only hope I am using the right term as I am no colorist. For more on the title and bigger version of the preview click the word duck.

Anything DC Can Do Marvel Can Do Better... Or Can They?... Marvel announce A-Force...

So DC won the day in regards to most exciting announcement on Friday, but to be fair they did announce a whole host of new titles by exciting creative teams.

Anyway back to the post at hand, Marvel continue to make announcements regarding the upcoming Secret Wars and were to announce a new 'forceful' title that will be released with this event. The word 'forceful' did have me wondering if this would be Star Wars related, but to my relief it did not. As much as I love both Marvel and Star Wars it would be far two soon for these two to be linking Universes.

It was supposedly to be announced on 'The View', as they did with the announcement of the Female Thor. Although as I understand the announcement was pulled from that programme, to many viewers frustration. USA today seemed to get the big scoop regarding the announcement of the new Avengers team A-Force which will take form during Secret Wars and will also contain an exclusively female cast. To be written by G. Willow-Wilson (mastermind behind Kamala Kham Ms Marvel) and Marguerite Bennett an exciting up and coming writer and previous student of Scott Snyder, the series will be illustrated by Jorge Molina, X-Men artist who will also have a fill in issue of Thor coming out this Wednesday.

The main team will comprise of She-Hulk, Dazzler, Medusa, Nico Minuro (Recently seen in Avengers Arena) and a new universal and cosmically powered hero Sigularity. The gorgeous, as always, cover art by Jim Cheung features these lead characters at the forefront of the image but also contains many of the other well known female characters through out the Marvel Universe including Storm, Scarlet Witch, Jean Grey (Phoenix) Spider-Woman, Captain MArvel, Wasp, Elektra, Rescue (Pepper Potts), Spider-Gwen (I know right she's already getting such fan fare and the issue isn't out yet), Black Widow, Pixie, Jubilee, Firestar, Hellcat and a few others who I can't recognise or to be honest don't even know. I am surprised that G. Willow Wilson's own character Kamala Khan, Ms Marvel, isn't featured on the cover. It has been announced that the cast is not limited to the announced characters or characters featured on the cover. Fan favourite artist Jamie McKelvie is already spearheading Ms America being involved in the title and co writer Marguerite Bennett didn't say no to the premise. I look forward to seeing which other female characters from within the Marvel Universe will make an appearance in the series.

I am, for one, excited about this announcement. I really enjoy when Marvel take risks with there flagship titles and although not called 'Avengers' this title does contain the Avengers logo at the beginning and this will be the Avengers team for the events of Secret Wars. Marvel have been taking more and more risks recently and, although I am certain many will not be happy about this announcement, these risks are really paying off.
In recent times one of my favourite Avengers titles was post Secret Invasion when the title became Dark Avengers and I hope that this will have the same impact for me.

The only real problem with the announcement of this title and the many others on Friday is that after working so hard, and being ruthless, to reduce my comic list I now have a lot to think about how many I can increase it by. However this isn't a terrible position to be in. This is looking to be a very exciting year for comics.

For more on the announcement and an interview with the writers behind this title coming in May click the link below.

Click me for more more about A-Force

DC Announce A Mini-Relaunch coming June 2015... 24 new titles... 25 continuing titles... Divergence

Friday just gone was a day full of announcements but, and it may come as a surprise for me to say this, DC won the day. They have announced a new wave of titles to hit the shelves in June 2015, a mini re-launch of sorts, with a new story over continuity focus. This philosophy excites me as superheroes can get so bogged down in having to keep within continuity that it can really restrict and hurt the story. DC are obviously learning from the success of the likes of Gotham Academy and the new re-launched Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) both spear headed by the Bat-Office.

Now I got this excited for the New 52 relaunch in 2011, I think I can go close to saying I practically picked up every new #1, which was helped by just starting my first full time job. But looking back now the only title from the original New 52 that I am reading and collecting is Batman from Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo and I have to say it is because this creative team, bar the length of Zero Year which I thought was a little long, are killing it on the title. I did keep reading Justice League for quite some time along with Wonder Woman and Superman. But for some reason or another I dropped several of those titles.

One of the most exciting things about the long list of new titles to be released are the creative line-ups DC are really giving new up and coming talent a shot and also handing over several of the titles to successful Indie creators which I only hope pays off.

Looking at this new list of titles I will highlight the ones I am most excited for and definitely be picking up the 1st issues of. Right lets dive right in, as the saying goes.

Black Canary -- W: Brenden Fletcher, A: Annie Wu;

Black Canary from Brenden Fletcher and Annie Wu, Fletcher is one half of two exciting team bringing us great comics from the Bat Universe, Gotham Academy and Batgirl. He will now be taking on solo writing duties alongside the talented Annie Wu who illustrated a run on Matt Fraction's acclaimed Hawkeye series. To be honest I am more picking up this title for the creative team, other than her appearances in the new Batgirl series I have not read any comics containing Black Canary, but I'll be excited to learn more about the character and see what the creative team produce come June.

Constantine: The Hellblazer -- W: Ming Doyle & James Tynion IV, A: Riley Rossmo;

Another DC character that I have not had much or any contact with. I've heard about popular takes no the character and I know Hellblazer is definitely a comic sometime in my life that I will need to pick up and read. The Dark corner of the DC Universe has always been one of my favourites, even though I haven't read many titles based around the characters, but I do spend a lot of time on Wikipedia reading about certain characters and Snyder's Swamp Thing New 52 run was one of the Dark characters I have read comics containing. The creative team on this book is another one that really excites me, many people know of James Tynion IV as Snyder's protégé but he has really come into his own recently, with some exciting titles with Boom! studios including 'The Woods'. Ming Doyle has been a artist I have long admired who I found while browsing the internet, I own her Flashbacca print which is still to be framed and hung, she has a very distinct style. But on this occasion she will be sharing writing duties with James Tynion IV which I look forward to seeing. Finally on art is Riley Rossmo, a fan favourite artist, I have seen his work in a couple of things mainly Image books and I can not wait to see what he brings to this title.

Dark Universe -- W: James Tynion IV, A: Ming Doyle;

I have read this this is the title that will be taking over from Justice League Dark and also has the same name as the animated movie project being worked on by Guillermo Del Toro. But most importantly the creative team is what is to be excited for, the same two members of the new Constantine title to be released are also the creative team on this book. It would certainly seem that James Tynion IV and Ming Doyle have been given the job of reviving this corner of the DC Universe and it is one that I certainly look forward to seeing. I can't wait to see how Ming Doyle's distinctive art style will bring to these characters, well in June I will be able to find out.

Justice League of America -- W: Bryan Hitch, A: Bryan Hitch

Bit of an honourable mention really, along with Marvel's Civil War by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven I also read Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch's Ultimates which also got me into comics. So although I don't have as much to write about this as I do with the previous announcements I will be looking forward to picking this up and see the very talented Bryan Hitch take on the iconic characters of the DC Universe. 

A few others I may flick through are We Are Robin from Lee Bermejo and Khary Randolph. On a side note it is interesting to see a creative change to the Superman books with Gene Luen Yang taking over the reins on Superman after the end of Geoff John's run, John Romita Jnr will still be on art duties.

Finally more has been released regarding DC comics Free Comic Book Day contribution. The issue will be called Divergence and will contain teasers for the beginning of post Convergence storylines including Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok's Darkseid War within the pages of Justice League, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's next arc of Batman and Gene Luen Yang and John Romita Jnr.

To check out the full list of new and continuing titles coming June 2015 click on the link below;

Click Me... Please

Thursday 5 February 2015

The New Spider-Women in your life...

February sees the end of Spider-Verse but spiralling out of this exciting Spidey-Event are several new and familar Spider-Women into our lives.

First off we have Spider-Woman who post Spider-Verse gets a Kris Anka makeover and a new series artist in Javier Rodriguez. I'll be looking to grab this issue when released in March with issue #5. Fan favourite writer Dennis Hopeless, Avengers Academy, will continue to write the series which is another reason to pick this up once its untangled from the restraints of Spider-Verse. See what you think from the CBR exclusive preview below.

Next we have Silk #1. First appearing during the Original Sin Amazing Spider-Man storyline and a main character in the Spider-Verse event, Silk will be getting her own ongoing series this month. From an exciting creative team of Robbie Thompson and Stacey Lee. The preview below gives Silk an exciting tone and aesthetic with Stacey Lee's more mangaesque, just making my own adjectives up now, poppy art style. Preview below, whaddaya think?

Right and finally, but by no means least, saving the best till last, in my opinion, we have Spider-Gwen. The star of the Edge of Spider-Verse minis and star of Spider-Verse. From the creative team of Jason Latour, Robbi Rodriguez and Rico Renzi we have the incredible and exciting taking on Gwen Stacy. I was wishing for this after reading the one-shot and now my dreams have come true. Spider-Gwen starts her on-going series the end of this month 25/02/2015. If you are yet to experience the awesomeness that is Spider-Gwen a fourth printing of Edge of Spider-Verse #2 was released this week, definitely worth checking out and there is a preview below.

Daredevil Full Length Teaser Trailer hits... Marvel and Netflix are on to a winner...

Its here. The full length teaser trailer for Marvel and Netflix's upcoming Daredevil series. And as I continue to educate myself with the goings on of Daredevil using the Marvel Unlimited app as he's a character I have unfortunately not read many comics of before, check out the trailer below;

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Daredevil Full Length Trailer to be released tomorrow... but here's a teaser;

It may be evident that I am a Marvel fan both their comics, television and films. So it would come as no surprise that I am really excited for the upcoming Netflix collaboration Daredevil, it seemed so far off when first announced and now we are only a couple of months away from its release. Check out the teaser below and I will try and make sure I get the full length trailer up tomorrow!

Game of Thrones Trailers Galore!!...Well just the three...

So as I sit here waiting for the next episode of TellTale Games Game of Thrones series to be released lets all enjoy the new trailer for Season 5. Every time one Season ends the next seems so far away yet a year flies by once again and the release of the previous Season's Blu Ray approaches, quickly followed by the new Season and now we have a trailer to get us even more psyched for the coming series!

Are you excited for Season 5? I am, but playing the TellTale game would sure help with my Game of Thrones withdrawal symptoms, the trailer for the episode released today on PS3 and PS4 in North America can be seen below the Season 5 trailer. Enjoy!

Avengers Age of Ultron hitting cinemas even earlier in the UK!!

Avengers Age of Ultron will now be hitting UK cinema screens on the 23/04/2015, that's one day earlier than originally advertised. That's a whole 24 hours less to wait for the biggest Comic* film this year and a different day to the holiday form I was gonna fill out, will have to correct that.
*(I would say biggest film this year, but on a personal note that will always be Star Wars.)

Also there is a new TV spot which I haven't yet posted so check this out below;

Marvel Comics: Secret Wars... Universes Collide... Universes Combine... This is not a Re-Boot!!... This is the future of the Marvel Universe...

This has been typed up and ready to post for quite some time so sorry if some of the info seems a little out dated... I hope to get more Secret Wars info up soon.

So last week we received more info on the Marvel's upcoming Secret Wars. The conclusion to Jonathan Hickman's run as Avengers lead writer and the epic conclusion to 'Time Runs Out' that has been ongoing since last September in his issues of Avengers and New Avengers. 

The announcement to end all announcements was the long predicted be unsurprising collision of the Marvel 616 Universe and the Ultimate Universe. The most important character for me to survive this collision is Miles Morales who has become a firm fan favourite since his creation by Brian Michael Bendis. 

Not a lot more was given away during the announcement. We will begin to learn more over the coming weeks as we presumably head towards May's solicitations which see the first two issues of Secret Wars reach comic book stores. 

This still seems a lot like a "re-boot" of sorts to me, but I suppose the argument is nothing is ending and re-starting is all just moulding together in to one hopefully stream-lined, rewarding Universe. 

Since the announcement three separate Secret Wars banners have been revealed, 'Last Days', 'Battleworlds' and 'Warzones'. These banners will accompany titles linking into the event, to get a better idea of what each one means check out the official press releases below. 

There will be plenty more to be revealed over he coming days and I will be keeping my eye out for any more news on this. Although I'm slightly apprehensive of what the final outcome of this event will be in still quietly excited for what the future will hold.

Oh and also one last thing, Secret Wars #0 will be released on Free Comic Book Day, May 2nd, this will also feature the Attack on Titan Marvel Crossover so that's something to look forward to. The cover for this is at the far far bottom of the post.

Official Press Release
The skies go dark and the world begins to fracture. Secret Wars is coming, and with it the destruction of the Marvel Universe as we know it. Today, Marvel is proud to announce LAST DAYS, the first of three different types of series taking place during the upcoming, highly anticipated Secret Wars!
“What would you do if you learned today was your last day on Earth?” says Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso. “That’s the question your favorite Marvel heroes are going to ask themselves in their LAST DAYS story lines as they brace for Secret Wars and the end of the Marvel Universe.”
Battleworld is set to transform the Marvel Universe as you know it. But before Secret Wars can begin, this chapter must come to a close. What will our heroes do with their final hours? What secrets will be unearthed? Who will they want to spend their LAST DAYS with?
“LAST DAYS is the first of three new brandings for series unique to Secret Wars,” says Marvel SVP Sales & Marketing David Gabriel. “Each branding will bear its own unique trade dress and logo treatment, clearly defining its relationship to the main Secret Wars story. This will make it easier for fans to experience the full scope of Secret Wars. Don’t dare miss these epic tales as our heroes face their impending obliteration!”
Before Secret Wars can begin, the Marvel Universe must end. And it all starts this May as the entire planet faces their LAST DAYS!

Official Press Release
New York, NY—January 22, 2015— The Marvel Universe has been destroyed! One by one, each and every universe across the cosmos has been eliminated. All that exists is a new, patchwork planet made up of the remains of decimated universes. Today, Marvel is proud to announce BATTLEWORLD, which joins LAST DAYS as two of the three unique umbrella brands of titles launching during Secret Wars!
“If you want the full story of what’s happening across the surface of this new planet, BATTLEWORLD branded titles are for you,” says Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso. “Who polices Battleworld? How do the various domains interact? What happens when those domains go to war? What strange, never-before-seen creatures inhabit this world? What familiar faces will make appearances? Fans who want to fully understand how each sector interacts with the others can’t miss out on these books!”
Titles carrying the BATTLEWORLD banner will focus on the interworking and interaction of all the domains now fused together throughout the one and only remaining planet! The Secret Wars are waged as the last remaining fragments of dead universes fight for survival. Who rules these domains? Who comes out on top? Who lives? Who dies?
“The inner machinations of Secret Wars happen here,” says Marvel SVP Sales & Marketing David Gabriel. “BATTLEWORLD branded titles will be clearly marked through the Marvel Previews solicits as well as with well distinguished cover trade dress, this way both retailers and fans will know what they’re getting. Think of these as the new core monthly titles. “
What secrets are about to be revealed? Find out this may as Secret Wars enters BATTLEWORLD!

Official Press Release
The future begins here! When everything ends, there is only Secret Wars. Today, Marvel is proud to announce WARZONES!, the final umbrella of titles launching during Secret Wars! WARZONES! joins LAST DAYS and BATTLEWORLD as the three different categories of titles launching throughout Secret Wars, each with their own unique type of story to tell!
“If you want a glimpse of what the future holds, you’ll find it in the WARZONES titles,” says Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso. “Our creators let their imaginations run wild as they lay down the foundations for the future. Whether we’re revisiting the most popular events from Marvel’s past or telling completely new stories, you won’t believe what we’ve got in store for you.”
All that remains in the cosmos is Battleworld, the strange, patchwork realm playing host to countless realities, all existing side-by-side, fused into a single planet! Titles carrying the WARZONES! banner tell stories of the individual dominions of Battleworld. What happens within their borders? What heroes guard their skies? What villains conspire within? How does over 75 years of Marvel’s epic history play out now that Battleworld is all there is?
“To be clear, WARZONES! titles are NOT fill-ins. These are the event caliber books, magnified to the Nth degree,” says Marvel SVP Sales & Marketing David Gabriel. “Secret Wars has afforded us a completely unique opportunity to tell huge, epic, event-sized stories within the framework of this new, patchwork planet – events within events. These titles will lay the building blocks and groundwork for what’s next, if that gives any indication of how important they are!”
While the Secret Wars rage on, the foundation of a new Marvel Universe take shape within the war-torn domains across Battleworld. The future of Marvel begins in the WARZONES!