Sunday 23 June 2013

DC Comics Bring us Superman & Wonder Woman in October 2013

So this month has been Man of Steel month and earlier in the week DC announced the in coming Superman & Wonder Woman title from Charles Soule and Tony Daniel.

Charles Soule is currently doing great things on Swamp Thing, and I really enjoyed Tony Daniel on his work with Justice League.

I for one am a huge fan for the power couple in the New 52 being Superman and Wonder Woman, we recently saw what Superman thought of the appearance of Orion and his kiss with Wonder Woman. I can't wait to see what else Soule and Daniel can bring to these two iconic DC characters.

For more check out an interview with Soule on this upcoming title;

Marvel: Post Age of Ultron brings us HUNGER!

Age of Ultron #10 hit our shelves this past week. I wasn't really enthralled by the story, even with the two issues per month release schedule I never really managed to get into the swing of the things with the story.

But there are some exciting titles and events to spiral out of its ending. The already known Avengers A.I, the introduction of Angela appearing in Guardians of the Galaxy #4 and of course HUNGER from Fialkov and Kirk.

Hunger #1 with covers from Adi Granov see the Marvel Universe Galactus enter the Ultimate Universe, with a great introduction panels from David Marquez the current artist on Ultimate Spider-Man Galactus makes a dramatic entrance.

Only being the second time the Marvel Universe and the Ultimate Universe have made contact with one another, the first being the incredible Spider-Men, I have high hopes for this title and can't wait to grab this first issue next month!

My Thoughts on Man of Steel

Mondo Man of Steel Poster by Ken Taylor

Its been just over a week since I sat down to watch Man of Steel. There have been many reviews, many thoughts, from people in the business, previous Superman writers and a very inconsistent and mixed reaction to whether this was a good Superman film, or a good film in general.

I was extremely hyped for this film, I had exiled myself from trailers, manicly exiting any room where a TV Spot started playing. I enjoyed the film, and the first half I really really enjoyed, even the action scenes in the second half were fast paced and had me on the edge of my seat, but once the action started I found it very hard to remember much of what took place apart from a lot of buildings being destroyed.

I stopped thinking of this as a Superman film and instead an Origin Film, as if I had no knowledge of the character and this was my first introduction to him and in this regard I feel a great job was done. There is no denying that there are some incredible performances in this film, Russell Crowe does a great job as Jor-El, and Snyder’s Krypton is an incredible site and a great introduction to Superman’s birth culture and origin. Michael Shannon’s performance as General Zod was admirable, a misunderstood character who is just trying to save his kind, as was his purpose when he was artificially born. Amy Adams is not given enough credit as Lois Lane, and we are given a great insight into the journalistic skills she has, she is after all the only person on Earth to know who Superman truly is. Both Diane Lane and Kevin Costner put in memorable performances as Clark’s parents.

The film was well structured to introduce us to the character of Clark Kent, the Man of Steel, and for me focusing on his history, heritage and where he came from, focusing on the alien, was important for this first film to give the audience the understanding of who he is. Being introduced to Clark through flashbacks while he is State hopping across America keeping himself anonymous from the world was an effective and easy to watch introduction to the character. Helping to show how he becomes the man he does.

The most heartfelt scene to me, also the one that made me most irritated afterwards, was the death of Jonathan Kent, apparently necessary so that Clark is not shunned  by society as his father believed would happen if they found out what he could do. Clark and his parents are travelling when a Tornado hits, the Kents and other travellers seek refuge under the closest bridge but the Kents left the dog in the car, Jonathan returns to his car to save the dog, in the midst of the Tornado, he injures himself doing so and from this has no chance of escaping the impending storm, Clark ready to save his father sees his father tell him not to from afar and allows himself to be swallowed up by the Tornado. This is frustrating because Clark really could have done something here to save his Dad, and to me that is far more important to the character than allowing his father to die for the benefit of his secret. This being the reason why Clark has hidden himself from society the way he has.

This leads me to the other controversial moment in the film, the one I think is far more important and has a lot more meaning than is given credit for, the end, the final battle between Superman and General  Zod, apart from the destruction of 50 percent of Metropolis, this concludes with Superman holding Zod in a choke hold while Zod is using his heat vision to corner and kill an innocent human family. At this point Superman, with the remaining Kryptonians returned to the Phantom Zone, has the choice of saving the innocent humans or killing the last of his kind. In dramatic fashion Superman is forced to kill Zod, and there for be the last remaining of his kind. This is important to me as it shows that Superman chooses humanity, his adopted species, to protect and not his own. I believe that this is going to be fundamental for the coming sequel.
Obviously by the end of the film we see Clark Kent in his much more established job starting at the Daily Planet, working with his new beau Lois Lane, who as we are aware already knows who he actually is.

Although this was not the Superman film I was hoping for or expected, as an origin film this new take on the Man of Steel is something I look forward to seeing develop, and very much reminds me of what I thought after Batman Begins, another origin film for regular character adapted for film and well we all know the sequel, Batman The Dark Knight, is considered the best of that trilogy. So here’s to hoping that this strong first instalment will lead into an incredible sequel!

For me this film gets a 3/5

My Comic of the Week 12-06-2013

Superman Unchained #1
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Jim Lee

So its been over a week since this was released, and I've been a little behind on updating the blog recently. Been a busy few weeks.

In a week which was dominated by the Man of Steel with the film out the Friday after Superman Unchained was released. For me this comic faired much better than the film.

Snyder has sold this as being the one Superman story he would tell if it was his only chance to write a Superman book, and this is a strong start! Effectively ending on a cliffhanger, which has already itched my interest and I can not wait for issue #2. After the dissapointment of the the Superman titles since New 52 I'm really looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

If you were dissapointed by Man of Steel then I recommend you pick this up for your Superman fix! And with Batman/ Superman #1 being released at the end of the month this could finally be the saving grace for Superman in the New 52!

My Cover of the Week 12-06-2013

Helheim #4

Cover Art: Joelle Jones

There were some great covers out the week this was released, but it was this cover that stood out to me the most.

I just love the Viking warrior line up, psyched for battle! Taking a what would appear to me to be some influence from JJ Abrams with that little bit of artistic lens flare in the bottom corner!

This really gives the impression of an early morning/ late dusk battle in action, arrow drawn, blood splattered, battle faces on!

I have really been enjoying Joelle Jones art on this, if you have been enjoying it too, she did a great issue for the digital first Adventures of Superman that is worth checking out!

Saturday 15 June 2013

Out This Week 19-06-2013

This list does not contain collection editions or reprints.

Dark Horse Comics

Baltimore The Inquisitor #1
BPRD Hell On Earth #108
Captain Midnight #0
Conan the Barbarian #17
Dark Horse Presents #25
Dream Thief #2
Edgar Allan Poes Fall of the House of Usher #2
House of Gold & Bones #3
Star Wars Darth Vader & Ninth Assassin #3

DC Comics

100 Bullets Brothers Lono #1
Animal Man #21
Batman and Batgirl #21
Batman Beyond Unlimited #17
Batwoman #21
Birds of Prey #21
Fables #130
Green Lantern New Guardians #21
Justice League of Americas Vibe #5
Legion of Super Heroes #21
Red Hood and The Outlaws #21
Supergirl #21
Wonder Woman #21

IDW Publishing

Danger Girl Trinity #3
Doctor Who #10
GI Joe #5
GI Joe a Real American Hero #191
GI Joe Cobra Files #3
Judge Dredd Year One #3
My Little Pony Micro Series #5
TMNT Villain Microseries #3
Transformers Monstrosity #1
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #18
Wild Blue Yonder #1
X-Files Season 10 #1

Image Comics

Invincible #103
It Girl & The Atomics #11
Mara #5
Mind The Gap #11
Miniature Jesus #3
Revival #11
Witchblade #167

Marvel Comics

A Plus X #9
Age of Ultron #10
Avengers #14
Cable and X-Force #10
Captain Marvel #13
Fantastic Four #9
Indestructible Hulk #9
Morbius Living Vampire #6
New Avengers #7
Superior Spider-Man #12
Thunderbolts #11
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #24
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #26
Uncanny Avengers #9
Wolverine Max #8
X-Factor #258
X-Men Legacy #12

Friday 14 June 2013

Man of Steel Day!

The day has finally arrived! 14-06-2013, and I will be making my way to the cinema soon to finally see Man of Steel. After weeks of avoiding any other trailers after the first full length trailer! I will attempt to write a review some time over the weekend but if you are making your way to see the film this weekend, I really hope you enjoy it!

Thursday 13 June 2013

E3 2013: Pokemon X & Y New details revealed!

Pokemon X & Y introduced a new type of pokemon Fairy type, who will be super effective against Dragons. This answers the type of eevee's next evolution, possibly with a moon stone? Still to find that out. There was a great trailer released, highlighting the new combat, the graphics look great! I really like the idea of being able to interact with your Pokemon. Also finally we know the world wide release date which is 12/10/2013, I'll be needing to grab myself a 3DS by then or on the day as without a doubt I will be getting this game. Time for me to start building up my team from previous games to transfer across! I really hope that in this region you can catch the original starters heres to hoping!

Wednesday 12 June 2013

E3 2013: Destiny Gameplay Demo

During the press conference for PS4 at E3 2013 there was a fantastic gameplay demo for Destiny by the award winning studio that brought us Halo Bungie! This game just looks incredible and I will be grabbing a copy on its release and urging my friends to do the same so we can delve straight into this fantastic universe! For the short gameplay trailer, and the demo check out the videos below!

E3 2013: Star Wars Battlefront!

One of the most exciting pieces of news to come out of E3 2013 is that EA/ DICE studio have confirmed that they are working Star Wars Battlefront! This came with just a short reveal trailer, but within those 30 seconds the greatness and excitement for this upcoming Star Wars Battlefront game was evident, especially as it is being developed by the studio that brought us Battlefield! Check out the trailer below!

Playstation 4 at E3 2013

So as far as I am concerned Sony and Playstation 4 are by far taking complete control of this next gen game console "war". With their conference poking fun at the many pitfalls of Microsoft's XBOX One, PS4 is coming out trumps on all fronts. Especially with price, Sony announced, and to my surprise that the console will be released at £349, £80 cheaper than the XBOX One. I am already saving up the pennies to get mine come release. Games are sharable on the PS4 and you are not required to have a constant connection to the internet! Playstation have really impressed me with their announcements and Press Conferences and I can not wait for its release come this Fall.

Microsoft Future of XBOX 21-05-2013

So this Monday marked the beginning of E3 2013 and finally more details on the upcoming next gen consoles. Well there isn't really much positive to announce regarding the XBOX One as far as I am concerned. There is the odd exclusive game that looks impressive. But I suppose for those who are still interested in the XBOX One you can grab it this November for the price of £429. I may have more to come on news for this console, if it doesn't pain me to much to write it.

My Cover of the Week 05-06-2013

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Cover Artist: Jason Latour

If it wasn’t for my surprise of how much I enjoyed Green Lantern this week Winter Soldier would have easily been my choice for Comic of the Week but it also quite clearly is the easiest choice I have had so far for Cover of the Week with this variant by the writer himself Jason Latour. With the sad news that this is the last issue of what has been a great arc from Jason Latour and Nic Klein, I still can’t quite work out why this book is ending after all it was Latour and Klein who managed to pull me back to Winter Soldier after getting thoroughly bored of the Brubaker lead title. The covers since Latour and Klein took over the book have consistently been up there as the best each month this book is released, Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire doing some fantastic work, as they always do, on covers. But this issue it is Latour’s variant cover that is my cover of the week. This really was not a difficult choice, the moment the preview for this cover was released I knew I had to have a copy and this cover is just stunning, the embrace of Bucky and Tesla Tarasova, the Electric Ghost, falling to Earth makes a for a beautiful cover, to me almost seeming like a farewell cover from Latour to the characters that he has quite clearly so enjoyed writing. This was my standout for the week and I have to ask Marvel why this title has come to an end? At least for now we know Nic Klein will be on an issue of Thor: God of Thunder and I hope to hear Latour’s next Marvel project announced soon or at SDCC 2013. 

My Comic of the Week 05-06-2013

Publisher: DC Comics

Writer: Robert Venditti
Artist: Billy Tan

There were several titles vying for my comic of the week this week, Avengers, All New X-Men, Winter Soldier and East of West. It was a strong week, but for me Green Lantern is my comic of the week as after deciding to give this new creative team a shot, I was not entering this book with any hope of actually enjoying it but I did. Since the beginning of the New 52 I had hoped to be able to start reading some of the titles from characters I have always wanted to read more about. The new creative team of Robert Vendetti and Billy Tan have brought me a book that really feels like the Green Lantern book I was hoping for at the start of the New 52. I have not read much by Vendetti or Tan, but both the story and art the art were very enjoyable to read. Tan draws a great Green Lantern and also the coloring of his work really helped the images to stand out the way I always imagined a Green Lantern book to look. Vendetti has began his story introducing a new villain Relic, who you don’t learn much about, but is obviously a great threat to the Corps. Hal Jordan is back and is now the leader of the Green Lantern Corps as the Guardians leave to make sense of the recent events that have taken place. Hal’s first test an attack of Oa by Larfleeze, who is hoping to steal the treasures from Oa, and with the state of the corps as it is Hal is forced to send rings out to find new recruits as he begins the defense of Oa against Larfleeze and eventually as hinted at the beginning Relic. I will continue to pick up this title and hope that it still manages to peak my interest, and this being the beginning of a complete creative reboot of the Lantern-Verse if this is anything to go by positive seeds are being laid and there could be hope yet.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

My Book of the Month for May 2013

Glory Vol.1

Publisher: Image Comics

Writer: Joe Keatinge
Artist: Ross Campbell

So from the podcast I listen to I had been hearing a lot about Glory, from Image Comics by Joe Keatinge and Ross Campbell, and the disappointment of this title coming to an end a few months back. This past free comic book day I took my opportunity to grab a copy of this first volume. I don’t know much about Glory as a character and the history, but this volume does a great job of introducing you to the character and her purpose and backstory, before throwing you into some intense action. I can see why this was such a popular mention on the podcast, the art was brilliant, action packed, organised mayhem. The story flowing at the right pace to keep me happily reading along, no time to get bored, cliffhanger’s in the right places. Glory was seen as a God by the people of Earth, helping or interfering in matters that should not have concerened her, and after her sudden disspearance this leads to a amateur journalist wanting to locate Glory. Once found, and this seems to hint at some sort of prophecy, Glory is actually expecting her arrival, this then leads to several action packed episodes where Glory’s enemy have come to finish her off.  This leads to the characters who you invest in only in a short time of reading, in the heat of battle falling with an impact, not just needless death. The cliffhanger ending to this first volume would leave anyone who reads to the end of this book wanting to grab the next. This first volume was a great introduction to the character, and her supporting cast. I’m still to get the second volume but once released I will be sure to pick it up.

Saturday 8 June 2013

DC Comics Villains Month

 September this year marks the heavily rumoured DC Villains Month as confirmed by Jim Lee and Dan DioDio earlier this week. This sees the issues being released with 3D Holograph covers, also making each issue $3.99. This also sees several .1, .2, .3, .4 issues for certain titles. The titles of these issues and the villains who will be taking over are slowly being revealed, but does this mean we will be expected to buy 4 times more comics than usual? Especially as these have been marked up to $3.99 each.

I will wait till the final solicitations to make my decision, but from what information has been released so far, this doesn't appear to seem like a great idea to me. The only thing I am looking forward to seeing is how 3D these covers will actually be. We will certainly know more within the coming weeks as the official solicitations appear. Check out some of the covers below.

Marvel Infinity: Mighty Avengers

At the beginning of this week Marvel began teasing another new title to come spinning out of an event, specifically there upcoming Infinity event, with the hint being the word attached to the image "Mighty" this could only mean one thing yet another Avengers team up.

I am a huge Avengers fan, but I do feel there is becoming a little over kill on the amount of Avengers titles being released with there currently being; Avengers, New Avengers, Secret Avengers, Avengers Arena, Uncanny Avengers, Avengers A.I, Young Avengers and Avengers Assemble.

With this new Avengers title to be released in September this will bring us to 9 Avengers titles. I plan on grabbing A.I when it is released in July, wich is sprialling out of the end of Age of Ultron yet another Marvel event, but whether I keep collecting that depends on the success of the first few issues. On the brightside the line up for 'Mighty' is a strong one, with the likes of the familiar, Luke Cage, Superior Spider-Man and She-Hulk and the less familiar Blue Marvel, White Tiger and Power Man and also featuring Phoenix and Monica Rambeau along with a new character in the Ronin costume last adopted by Clint Barton before his return as Hawkeye.

I have not read much work by Al Ewing so have no real opinion on whether he will be able to write a great Avengers title, my biggest concern is with the art as it can make or break a book for me and after being considerably excited for Marvel NOW Iron Man from Kieron Gillen and Greg Land I ended up being disappointed by the art, and because of this I have since dropped that title. It is unlikely I will stick with Mighty Avengers for long after its release come September, but I will surely pick it up and give it a try.

As for other team books I think would be better received and have more importance to the greater Marvel U, the long rumoured Inhumans comic from possibly Matt Fraction would be a great addition and also a new New Warriors, with the new Nova as the leader would also be very welcome, well at least as far as I am concerned. But for now I will be content with the news of yet another Avengers title in Mighty Avengers and fingers crossed it will prove my apprehensions wrong. For the covers to issue one check them out below.

At the beginning of this month, DC announced this month will be Superman month. This year marks Supermans 75th anniversary, and with Superman Unchained by the superstar team of Scott Snyder and Jim Lee coming out this Wednesday, 12-06-2013, swiftly followed by the highly anticipated return of Superman to the silver screen in Man of Steel from Warner Brothers Studios directed by Zack Snyder and with executive producer Christopher Nolan. Also don't forget the return of the Batman and Superman comic to the shelves at the end of June from Greg Pak and Jae Lee.

This Wednesday is also 'Man of Steel' day across the U.S and hopefully the same for the UK, where with a purchase of Superman Unchained #1 you can grab yourself a free copy of All Star Superman #1 from Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely, considered one of , if not, the best Superman comics.