Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Please Stand By...

So there has been a little bit of Blog silence recently, it has been difficult to find the time and I have also found it hard to motivate myself to post things. This lead to a lot of questoins...

Why do I write this blog?

Who do I write it for?

What do I want to write about?

Why do I write the post topics I write?

Why do I collect comics?

Why do I read the comics I read?

What from my pick list do I actually read?

Why do I still pick up the comics I don't read?

Well I now have the answers to these questions and I will be back, the format may change a little the topics I post about may change a little, but first of all lets add a few videos I have missed out on adding all for films I am really looking forward to. 

It may be a while before this blog gets back to the regular updates it once had but I will be trying to get posts up here and maybe from these posts your will be able to work out the answers to the questions I asked myself above. Enough typing time for some videos.

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