So there has been a long absence since I last posted something on here. The incredible thing for me was that I didn't even get anything SDCC related onto the blog through July, life has just been far to busy and quite frankly my chrome book doesn't stand up to my previous laptop and can be annoyingly frustrating at times.
But back to the blogging, I'm not going to make any promises of this being my return, it may well even be another 4 months from this post that I finally post something else again, but we will just have to wait and see.
It has been a busy 4 months for the comic world and film and here is a quick well actually fairly long look at what caught my eye and I had hoped to post about.
Image Expo (Tokyo Ghost, Drifter, Injection, Southern Cross)
To begin, and to my surprise it is not Marvel related. The Image Expo that tagged itself to to the beginning of SDCC this year had some of the most exciting announcements of the convention. Image continue to produce some of the best independent comics out there, there philosophy is luring and attracting some of brightest and most promising talents in the business and the titles announced at this expo were testament to that. I am only going to write about the ones which caught my eye but there are plenty of titles to keep an eye out for in the Image solicitations as they are released month by month.
Injection #1 (Source Comic Book Resources) |
The two which shouted out at me the moment they were announced while I was keeping up with the live blog of the event were Injection from the creative team of Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire, who just finished their run on probably one of the best arcs of Moon Knight I have read. The creative team alone has gotten me really excited for this one. The other title that screamed manically at me is Southern Cross from Becky Cloonan and Andy Belanger, if any of you have read my previous posts you will be well aware of my love for Cloonan's comics. Andy Belanger is a creator I am not particularly familiar with but I look forward to seeing his artistic talents in this creator owned voyage.
Other titles that grabbed my attentions were Tokyo Ghost from Rick Remender and Sean Gordon Murphy, Drifter from Ivan Brandon and Nic Klein. For all the other exciting titles keep your eyes peeled to the Image Solicitations as and when they are released.
DC Bat Universe (Gotham Academy, Batgirl, Gotham by Midnight, Arkham Manor)

Next, and still not Marvel, DC have suddenly and surprisingly announced a new group of Bat-centric titles from creators that have mainly had a independent background. In order of my favourites, Gotham Academy with the incredibly exciting creative team of Becky Cloonan, Brendan Fletcher and Karl Kerschl who will be taking us into the halls of a school funded by Bruce Wayne and being Gotham this will not be your run of the mill highschool. Then there is the re-vamp of Batgirl which sees the long standing fan favourite writer Gail Simone handing the character over to Brendan Fletcher, Cameron Stuart and newcomer Babs Tarr, this is yet another exciting line up and the preview work and what has been revealed so far has already gathered quite the online following including it's own tumblr by the creators for the flurry of fan art. Finally not to be forgotten from the hype of the previous two announcements there will also be Arkham Manor from Gerry Duggan and Shaun Crystal along with Gotham by Midnight from Ray Fawkes and Ben Templesmith. Arkham Manor sees Bruce Wayne's home become the new Arkham Asylum and Gotham by Midnight sees a group of detectives that investigate the mysterious in Gotham led by Spectre.
Gotham By Midnight |
Spider-Verse (Spider-Gwen)
Okay now it's time for some Marvel news. Spider-Verse begins this month well the run up to with the Edge of Spider-Verse titles beginning to roll out. These being 5 one shot issues focusing on alternative universe Spider-Men or Women. From the known to the new, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Gwen which I am most excited for and already hope will receive her own stand alone title, Dustin Weaver creates is own alterate universe Spider-Man, there looks to be a sort of pulp horror Spider-Man and the second favourite of the 5 I'm looking forward to is the team-up of Gerard Way and Jake Wyatt for there interpretation of a alternate universe Spider-Man.
As mentioned the most exciting title for me from the 5 is Edge if Spider-Verse #2 from Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez, who sounds like a Marvel character himself but is part of the creative team from Vertigo comic FBPD. They will be bringing us an alternate universe Gwen Stacy who was in fact bitten by the spider. Rodriguez has killed it on the design and there have already been several Spider-Gwen cosplayers at comic conventions. I have high hopes for this issue and really hope I'm not disappointed, Latour has already stated should there be a demand he would be more than happy to write more Spider-Gwen.
The other Edge of Spider-Verse title that has caught my eye is the offering from Gerard Way and Jacob Wyatt. This has potential on so many levels as Jacob Wyatt is one of the rising stars, having worked on his creator owned title and recently on a couple of Ms Marvel issues and well Gerard Way has been around long enough with Umbrella Academy and Killjoys for us to know he can write a good comic it will be interesting to see what he does with his own take on a Spider-Man origin.
Marvel Star Wars (Star Wars Jason Aaron/ Cassaday, Darth Vader Gillen/ Larocca/ Granov &, Leia Waid/ Dodson)
SDCC saw the a announcement of some long awaited news since Disney acquired Lucasfilm and it was officially announced that Marvel will be taking over the Star Wars franchise when it comes to the comics and so the titles and creative teams were finally announced.
There will be a stand alone Star Wars title written by Jason Aaron and illustrated by John Cassaday. Darth Vader will get his own title written by Kieren Gillen and illustrated by Salvador Larocca and Adi Granov and finally Princess Leia will get her own solo title from Mark Waid and Terry Dodson. I can't help but think a better artist could have been found for Leia that more suited the Princess but Dodson may well prove me wrong. These have been confirmed for 2015 so I imagine in the coming months more info and hopefully preview art will be released.
Avengers NOW! All- New Captain America (FalCap) Thor (Female) Superior Iron Man (Tony Stark Gone Mad Scientist)
Marvels big SDCC announcement was the upcoming Avengers NOW! initiative much like the Marvel NOW! and All-New Marvel NOW! initiatives this sees many new titles and characters beginning from #1 with creative changes, mainly focusing on the characters within the Avengers team. The 3 big announcements are the upcoming changes to the big three Avengers, Captain America, Superior Iron Man and Thor. The mantle and shield of Captain America will be finding a new wielded in Sam Wilson a.k.a Falcon now dubbed Falcap, Steve Rogers has had the super soldier serum removed from his system and now resembles a man of his proper age so obviously he is required to hand over the mantle to someone he trusts. This will be brought to us in the pages of All-New Captain America from Rick Remender & Stuart Immonen starting in November.
Tony Stark will be moving to San Francisco and after the major fall out from Original Sin, his antics in New Avengers and the events at the beginning of AXIS see him become the Superior Iron Man, an adjective once again made popular by the successful run of another Marvel heavyweight Spider-Man, this sees Tony go a little mad scientist and he will come head to head with another Marvel character recently moved to the area Daredevil. This take on the character certainly sounds interesting and with a new creative team to Marvel of Tom Taylor & Yilidray Cinar may well be worth checking out.
Thor also gets a major shake up. Thor Odinson no longer being deemed worthy of Mjolnir finds the hammer in someone else's hands, a mysterious female. It has been pointed out that this is not Thorita, Lady Thor. This is Thor and the God of Thunder is now a woman. In Jason Aaron I trust and he will be joined on this new era of Thor by Russell Dauterman, he will certainly need to be giving his A-Game as he will be replacing the critically acclaimed Essad Ribic on art duties for the character. This female character who now holds the hammer is shrouded in mystery and it has been confirmed we will have to wait to find out who it is.
Other new titles announced for Avengers NOW! included Angela: Asgards Assassin from Gillen/ Bennett/ Jimenez and Stephanie Hans, Bucky Barnes: Winger Soldier from Ales Kot and Marco Rudy. Deathlok is getting a new series starting in October from Nathan Edmondson and Mike Perkins. Two Inhumans feature in the image, Medusa and Inferno, this may be a continued push for the Inhumans as a whole or NYCC may see the announcement of a solo Medusa title can't really see a solo series for Inferno. Scarlet Witch features in the image also another character that is currently in Uncanny Avengers I have more on my ideas as to why she is in the image in the AXIS section below. Doctor Strange and Ant-Man both are present in the image and with there solo films confirmed or in production it is likely they will see there own individual titles especially considering they were both heavily involved in Original Sin it's only a matter of time.
With Original Sin coming to an end, well ended by the time this is posted, AXIS now known as Avengers & X-Men AXIS has been getting a big promotional push. From Special Edition NYC we learnt about the first arc of 3 issues coming in October "The Red Supremacy" which sees the return of the Red Skull in his Onslught duds. This arc sees both the Avengers and X-Men battling the Red Skull on Genosha where he has turned the once mutant country into his base with enslavement camps and this is where he is spreading his message of hate across the world with his new found Charles Xavier mutant powers.
We learnt more about the 2nd arc 'Inversion' during SDCC and since. This arc sees heroes becoming 'bad' guys and villains becoming 'good'. The X-Men team up with one of their greatest villains. Tony Stark goes a little mad scientist and moves to San Francisco to become the Superior Iron Man as teased during the Avengers NOW! initiative. With the AXIS of Evil apparently winning where does that lead the Marvel Universe and what can possibly take place in the third arc to rectify this. Marvel are churning out event after event at the moment and it is understandable why many are apprehensive about this but from the solicitation for both the first and second arc this may be just as exciting and successful as the Avengers vs X-Men event from 2 years past.
Theres also several big teases in the solicitations for the issues during the second arc. The formation of the Astonishing Avengers in issue 6, and with the Uncanny Avengers on hiatus during this event and Remender teasing he will be on a new book by the end of this AXIS is it difficult to put two and two together and believe this will be Astonishing Avengers? Looks as though Remender is just working his way through all the pre-fix adjectives that haven't been before the word Avengers. Bleeding Cool certainly seem to think so and they also think Esad Ribic will be on art duties. Also from the solicits that have since been released issue 5 teases a new sorceress supreme, could the Scarlet Witch be gaining the mantel of Sorceress Supreme and with Marvel's big publishing push for female led titles and the character appearing in Avengers: Age of Ultron next year could she be getting her own title, 'Scarlet Witch Sorceress Supreme'? This would certainly answer why she is in the Avengers NOW! promo image.
Guardians of the Galaxy
So the film I had been waiting 3 years for was finally released at the end of July and is now the highest grossing film in America this year, surprised? I'm not. I've seen the film 3 times now and it was everything I expected and some. I'm counting down the days until the release date is confirmed for the Blu-Ray and then I will be counting down the days until the release date. This film take the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a completelt new and exciting direction and with Guardians of the Galaxy 2 confirmed to be directed by James Gunn and already announced to be released in July 2014 I now only have another 3 years to patiently and excitedly await the sequel. If you haven't yet got to see this I stongly recommed you find a cinema that it still showing it and see it NOW!
And so to end this long and wordy post why not a few teaser videos for some TV shows and Video Games I'm looking forward to coming this Fall.
Star Wars Rebels: October
Agents of Shield Season 2: