In the run up to Christmas and the eventual wind down of the this year I began to think about what comics I have really enjoyed during the year. It has also made me re-assess the comics I actually love to read. Plus I am apparently still very much a Marvel Fanboy even though Image did such a great job this year to try and make me a convert. It has become more and more difficult to find the time to read any comics coming towards the end of this year and unfortunately I think it will only get harder but what follows are the titles and writers, artists who really stand out to me and are at the top of my stack to read once I get home on a Wednesday. Lets get on with the choices then shall we...
Best On-Going Title: Superior Spider-Man
Best New Title: Avengers A.I.
Best Single Issue: Hawkeye #11
Best Mini Series: Arms of the Octopus
Best Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Best Up-Coming Writer: Sam Humphries
Best Artist: Declan Shalvey
Best Up-Coming Artist: Andre Lima Araujo
Best Colorist: Jordie Bellaire
Best Publisher: Marvel Comics
Best Event: Battle of the Atom
Best Original Graphic Novel: Battling Boy
Best Digital Only Title: Theremin
Best Digital Only Publisher: Monkeybrain
Honourable Mentions;
Publisher: Image Comics
Artist: Michael Dialynas
Writer/Artist: Jeff Lemire
Best Complete Title Run: Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie's Young Avengers
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Marvel's Free Comic Book Day offering gets an updated cover...
So Diamond Comics have been releasing more details on the different titles coming from each Publisher at the beginning of May 2014. And there has been a slight change to the cover of the Marvel offering, but I can't think why can you? Well there is a certain film coming out at the end of next year which may have something to do with the characters in the comic and a certain portrayal of a certain character in that comic getting a new updated costume to look like a certain upcoming film portrayal. But after all that certainty I can safely say that after a lot of staring at the image I have come to the conclusion that I do like the costume, I can't wait to see people cosplaying it with the helmet. See what you think below;
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Destiny will arrive 09.09.2014!
Destiny will be coming to consoles next year on the 9th September. Well this is the only reason I want to purchase a next Gen console at the mo. Including a couple of other games which are still only in the early stages of development. But its nice to finally have a date and know by what time I need to have my PS4! It certainly has been a weekend for exciting video game news.
VGX: Telltale take on Game of Thrones in 2014!
As if after Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us, Telltale Games could not strive for more awesome! Well they have last night it was revealed they will be working with HBO for a new episodic Game of Thrones title in 2014! Now if this doesn't have excited I don't know what will! Check out the reveal below!
Saturday, 7 December 2013
Amazing Spider-Man 2 Trailer!
So Thursday saw the release of the Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer. Certainly seems to be shaping up. 3 villains in Elektro, Rhino and Green Goblin, also did you see the Doc Ock arms and Vulture wings at Oscorp? This trailer sets up Amazing Spider-Man 2 and also certainly sets up many things and questions for future installments. We won't know more until May next year but I will definitely be seeing this the day it comes out.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Marvel's 2014 Free Comic Book Day offering revealed.
Its not even Christmas yet but Marvel are already ramping up the excitement for next years Free Comic Book Day. Originally an image was released of the Guardians if the Galaxy with a new team member Captain Marvel this image also had a blacked out character.
When this was originally released from the form and shadow of this character I immediately thought this has to be Cable, however when he was announced to be in the new X-Force from Spurrier I began to doubt but could not pin anyone else to the silhouette.
So it was a pleasant surprise when in fact the character was revealed to be Venom. Why would Venom be joining the Guardians, the other question is after Darkest Hour is this still Flash as Afent Venom, if it is it makes sense why the characters own name series came to an end. As always Bendis will be writing the GotG story and will be joined by the wonderful artistic talents of Nick Bradshaw who has been announced as the new artist to rotate duties with Sara Pichelli, Bendis has a way of just getting the most incredible art teams on his books.
Alongside the GotG story there will be another story from Dan Slott setting up the new top secret Spider-Event to top all Spider-Events next year. The return of Peter Parker you may ask? It can only be right? Well with Slott you never know but up to this point he has not disappointed.
So that's one Free Comic I wil certain be looking to grab come the 3rd of May next year. I wonder what the other publishers have to offer?
All-New Daredevil coming March 2014
It was recently announced that Mark Waid and Chris Samnees's Daredevil will be coming to an end in February. No sooner had this sunk in that then the news arrived Daredevil will be returning in March as part of the All-Marvel NOW! initiative with a new #1 and seeing the character uplift to San Francisco. This in a way does make sense, however when he returns to our shelves in March he will no longer be at the happy price if $2.99 but instead $3.99. Daredevil has been one of Marvel's critically acclaimed series in recent years receiving various Eisner nominations and winning a few. Bit it saddens me to see a comic doing so well being taken advantage of in this way. I can't speak for everyone but I probably won't pick this up again in March unless it hear it's Better than its previous $2.99 brother. The one good thing to come out of this is that Waid and Samnee will still be creating comics for this character, and I suppose with the coming arrival of a Daredevil Netflix series they need to get this character back in the spotlight.
Monday, 25 November 2013
December 5th will see the first Worldwide Trailer for Amazing Spider-Man 2
This is one to save in the calendars. December the 5th we will get our first look of the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man 2. I have high hopes for this film, Garfield did such a great job portraying both sides of his character from Peter Parker to Spider-Man himself, I just hope the amount of villains rumoured to be turning up doesn't end up with this being a Spider-Man 3.
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver Casting Confirmed for Avengers: Age of Ultron
It has been confirmed. Scarlet witch will be played by Elizabeth Olsen and Quicksilver by Aaron Taylor Johnson. I am not really aware of Olsen's track record on the big screen but understand she has been paving her way up the ladder and receiving deserved recognition for recent roles. Taylor Johnson on the other hand is obviously well known for portraying Millar and Romita Jnr's Kick Ass in two films and I can only assume there will be a 3rd. These are two exciting announcements for the film, with up and coming talent taking on the roles of two of my favourite characters. I imagine there will be a further big push by Marvel with the characters come 2015 but for now you can find Scarlet Witch in Uncanny Avengers and Quicksilver will soon be turning up in the new All-New X-Factor!
Sunday, 24 November 2013
All-New Marvel NOW! what I am looking forward to...
What am I excited about to come from All-New Marvel NOW! Current series will be getting a new #1 jumping on point, an initiative previously tested out and it must have worked. The most successful thing about the Marvel NOW! and All-New Marvel NOW! initiative was the new creative teams and titles announced on the different books, bringing a new lease of life to certain titles and also restarting many more from new #1's. Check out below to see what I am excited about from All-New Marvel NOW! in the new year;
So Friday gave us the announcement of a new title for one of my favourite Marvel characters, Moon Knight who will be getting the All-New Marvel NOW! treatment with a new #1. This will come from the creative team of Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire. I have to be honest I am not to savvy with work by Warren Ellis, I am well aware he is a critically acclaimed writer but I am not sure that I have really read much by him, but his reputation is enough to get me excited for whats to come from him writing this character, on the other side to this creative team is one of my favourite art team ups of current comics in Delcan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire who will be joining Warren to being this character back to our shelves. Shalvey and Bellaire recently finished up an arc on Deadpool, with Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn, bringing to life possibly one of the best Deadpool stories in recent times in "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly". I really do hope that this is a long term gig for the duo and I can not wait to see what this creative team get up to with the character.
Announced earlier in the month we will be getting a new Ms Marvel, the idea behind this is brilliant and leaves me excited to see what they do with this character, another enjoyable thing about it is it has the formula for what makes a great Marvel character, a young character who establishes they have these powers and now have to learn to live with these responsibly. It is yet another fairly unknown creative team to me but from the character sketches that have been released, which I posted on my Twitter, this certainly looks like it is sure to be a beautiful book, and at $2.99 it is certainly worth picking up to have a look. Nova was a similar book for me and this is now one of my favourite books to be released each month so I have high hopes for Ms. Marvel.
Previously announced at New York Comic con the new year sees the return of New Warriors to our shelves from Chris Yost and Marcus To. This team, as far as I am aware, has not really been seen since the events that lead to Civil War. This team will bring together some of my favourite characters from Nova, Scarlet Spider, Speedball and Justice to also introducing some of the newer characters to appear during Inhumanity and out of other titles. This is certainly a title to look out for and I will be picking up the first issue to test the waters before adding this to my Monthly Pick List.
Finally another title originally announced at NYCC but yet to be solicited. I hope to see this appear in the solicits for March come the beginning of December. From Felipe Smith and Tradd Moore, there is one thing for certain this is going to be a great looking book. I previously posted about my excitement for this title earlier in the year during my NYCC coverage and right now I am currently excited to finally see it appear in the solicits for next year.
One title I almost forgot to add to my list and that I have also previously posted during my coverage of NYCC is Silver Surfer from Dan Slott and Mike Allred, with Slott's evident writing ability in Superior Spider-Man and Allred's wonderful pop art style illustrations this title certainly has the formula for what should be a cracking book and one that is also yet to see the light of day in a solicits page, looking at a March release maybe? I hope so, although my bank balance does not.
I am certain there is still more to come from All-New Marvel NOW! Personally I am still waiting for a new Black Bolt series to spiral out of Inhumanity. I'm sure we will possibly find out more in the running up until the March 2014 solicits early next month.
Sherlock Season 3 Trailer #SherlockLives
Thats right #SherlockLives, trending on twitter yet I wonder? It certainly will be by the time we get the first episode of this highly anticipated 3rd series. Cumberbatch has been in many films recently but the role that made him who he is is Sherlock and I can not wait to finally see him return as this character to our screens!
Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 Trailer
So yesterday evening many people across the world watched the 50th Anniversary Special of Doctor Who and a great thing it was. But as if you hadn't been excited enough for that over the past few months its now time to ramp up the excitement for the Christmas episode and the impending regeneration. Make what you will from the trailer below!
Saturday, 23 November 2013
The Day of the Doctor is here!
Today's the day! Tonight we can finally watch The Day of the Doctor! Make sure to have watched the 6 minute mini-sode on YouTube before tonight as well. Geronimo!
Friday, 22 November 2013
All-New Marvel NOW! sees the release of Moon Knight #1 in March!
So today this was announced! Moon Knight #1 in March 2014 from the fabulous creative team of Declan Shalvey, Jordie Bellaire and Warren Ellis! Take my money now!
Saturday, 9 November 2013
Finding the balance between collecting comics and reading comics.
I have recently had a trim down of my Monthly Pick List. This took a lot of thought and returning to, working out what I really read, the comics I really looked forward to, and the ones that were on the top of that weekly stack each month they came out.
I managed to refine the list and now have what is in the column on the side of the blog, this isn't to say nothing else will be added since I refined the list and sent this to my local comic store for my Standing Order, Ms Marvel has been announced which I will definitely want to pick up and see what its like when its released in February theres also X-Force just announced from Si Spurrier, an English writer, which I will certainly also take a look at. So thats two more to pick up, but these won't go on the list until I pick up the first issue and know I want to get this each month.
While refining my list it dawned on me that I have been picking up and buying many many comics at £2 to £2.60 each which have not once been read and just immediately bagged and boarded, many of these were brought on word of mouth and people telling me they're worth checking out but they just weren't to my taste right now, and at this moment in time I am a super hero man at heart. Anyway back to the point, these comics now sit in a box, or 3 boxes never to see the light of day again and well I thought that ought to change and being sure that many of the titles in these boxes have their own fans and collectors I have begun to list these on eBay, I have had great success with the first to batches I put online and there are still more to come from the mainstream to the obscure so if you fancy seeing if I hold that missing issue from your collection please check out my eBay listings at the link below.
I am still working out the difference between collecting and reading comics, and people who know me will tell you I am a collector at heart but the change is just peaking over the horizon. I aim to only buy what I will read and enjoy from now on.
I managed to refine the list and now have what is in the column on the side of the blog, this isn't to say nothing else will be added since I refined the list and sent this to my local comic store for my Standing Order, Ms Marvel has been announced which I will definitely want to pick up and see what its like when its released in February theres also X-Force just announced from Si Spurrier, an English writer, which I will certainly also take a look at. So thats two more to pick up, but these won't go on the list until I pick up the first issue and know I want to get this each month.
While refining my list it dawned on me that I have been picking up and buying many many comics at £2 to £2.60 each which have not once been read and just immediately bagged and boarded, many of these were brought on word of mouth and people telling me they're worth checking out but they just weren't to my taste right now, and at this moment in time I am a super hero man at heart. Anyway back to the point, these comics now sit in a box, or 3 boxes never to see the light of day again and well I thought that ought to change and being sure that many of the titles in these boxes have their own fans and collectors I have begun to list these on eBay, I have had great success with the first to batches I put online and there are still more to come from the mainstream to the obscure so if you fancy seeing if I hold that missing issue from your collection please check out my eBay listings at the link below.
I am still working out the difference between collecting and reading comics, and people who know me will tell you I am a collector at heart but the change is just peaking over the horizon. I aim to only buy what I will read and enjoy from now on.
Star Wars Episode VII Gets its release date, 18/12/2015, it's in my Calendar how about yours?
This past Thursday, 7/11/2013, the release date was announced for the next installment of the Star Wars saga. This went straight into my calendar once I heard and with the hope I will manage to get a release day ticket in 2 years time it will certainly be like Christmas coming a week early. Check out the press release below;
"With pre-production in full-swing, a confirmed release date of December 18, 2015, has been set for Lucasfilm's highly anticipated Star Wars: Episode VII.
"We're very excited to share the official 2015 release date for Star Wars: Episode VII, where it will not only anchor the popular holiday filmgoing season but also ensure our extraordinary filmmaking team has the time needed to deliver a sensational picture," said Alan Horn, chairman of The Walt Disney Studios.
Star Wars: Episode VII will be directed by J.J. Abrams (Super 8, Mission: Impossible III, Star Trek) and is being scripted by Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan (Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi). Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams, and Bryan Burk are producing, with Tommy Harper (Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, Jack Ryan, Star Trek Into Darkness) and Jason McGatlin (Tintin, War of the Worlds) serving as executive producers. John Williams is returning to score Star Wars: Episode VII.
Shooting is scheduled to begin spring 2014 at Pinewood Studios."
Star Wars Episode VIII-Bit: Tiny Death Star
So I heard about this game way back in October and have been checking the App-Store everyday since and finally when I awoke on Thursday morning it was available for download, since then it has kept me busy on my train journey to and from work as I build my Tiny Death Star and enjoy this brilliant Star Wars twist on Nimblebits original game Tiny Tower. If you have picked this up yet, whether your a Star Wars fan or not, this game is great fun and I recommend you should, and of course its FREE! Not counting those pesky in-app purchases. Need more convincing? Check out the trailer below and to pick up your copy follow the link!
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload The Final 3 Episodes
Due to the fact I forgot to post the final 3 episodes through Thursday to today heres the final 3 all in one post, Enjoy!
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload Ep.1
I'm still yet to get the game. It currently sits firmly at the top of my Christmas list but Marvel Entertainment and Warner Bros have teamed up again to create some webisodes for the most recent Lego Game.
There appears to be 5 in total and I will post 1 episode a day for the next 5 days of course you can always just go ahead and straight to YouTube and watch these yourself. Check out the first episode below;
There appears to be 5 in total and I will post 1 episode a day for the next 5 days of course you can always just go ahead and straight to YouTube and watch these yourself. Check out the first episode below;
Please Stand By...
So there has been a little bit of Blog silence recently, it has been difficult to find the time and I have also found it hard to motivate myself to post things. This lead to a lot of questoins...
Why do I write this blog?
Who do I write it for?
What do I want to write about?
Why do I write the post topics I write?
Why do I collect comics?
Why do I read the comics I read?
What from my pick list do I actually read?
Why do I still pick up the comics I don't read?
Well I now have the answers to these questions and I will be back, the format may change a little the topics I post about may change a little, but first of all lets add a few videos I have missed out on adding all for films I am really looking forward to.
It may be a while before this blog gets back to the regular updates it once had but I will be trying to get posts up here and maybe from these posts your will be able to work out the answers to the questions I asked myself above. Enough typing time for some videos.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
NYCC: My highlights from The Amazing X-Men Panel
The main announcements of the Amazing X-Men panel for me was the answer to the teasers Trial and Judgement which contained the creative teams of both All-New X-Men and Guardians of the Galaxy. The great news is Sara Pichelli will be on another arc of the Guardians and also Immonen will continue on the X-Men, so if there is one thing for sure this is going to be one stunning looking comic. The other interesting twist to this is that these two teams will be teaming up to rescue Jean Grey who has been taken prisoner and transported off of Earth for trial. I originally thought that the trial would be made by the Guardians, but true to the rules of the Guardians they do not like it when cosmic forces meddle with Earth and take it upon themselves to team up with the X-Men on this rescue mission. This story begins in January and I for one can not wait to get my hands on it.
Other announcements included the return of X-Factor in All-New Marvel NOW! with All-New X-Factor. Having never read X-Factor I'm not to invested in this title but I am aware that Peter David has a huge following, the team list and idea behind the comic sounds interesting, Polaris, Quicksilver and Gambit being the characters confirmed so far. So this announcement will surely keep the X-Factor fans pleased to see the team reforming in some way.
Amazing X-Men will see the team of Jason Aaron and Ed McGuiness on this for the long run according to editor Nick Lowe which is good to hear, I really regret not reading Wolverine and the X-Men having only collected the first few issues but I look forward to finally reading an Aaron X-Book with the brilliant art from Ed McGuinness who most recently drew the fabulous first arc of Nova with Jeph Loeb.
The other small items of note, X-23 will be joining All-New X-Men. The original X-Men will be staying in the current Marvel U, which leaves me wondering what the fallout of Battle of the Atom will actually end up being I always assumed it would involve the team returning to there time. Big things have been teased for the end of Paul Cornell's current Wolverine Killable arc. Uncanny X-Men's Inhumanity tie-in issue will introduce a new character which will apparently have fans throwing things at Brian Michael Bendis. The X-Force books will finally get there inevitable crossover in the new year, having dropped these two from my list this crossover does leave me interested in seeing what's involved especially as the two titles are written by very promising writers in Dennis Hopeless and Sam Humphries. Finally Charles Soule will be adding a character to the roster of the Thunderbolts in the form of Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider another title I don't currently read but with Soule on huge title and this announcement marking his first big change to the team since taking over it may be worth picking up.
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
NYCC 2013: Whats next for the Avengers in All-New Marvel NOW!
What's next for the Avengers and the many titles associated with the name? With many of the one word teasers to be announced at the panel only a couple of these announced new Avengers titles. The first is really a way of no longer having the solitary "Avengers" title being released twice a month. Avengers will become a once a month title once again with Jonathan Hickman, Nick Spencer and Stefano Caselli on Avengers World a new on going monthly title this January.
My current favourite Avengers title, and as far as I'm concerned the best thing to come out of Age of Ultron, is Avengers A.I. from Sam Humphries and Andre Lima Araujo. Issue #8.NOW will see the team heading to the 130th century where Dimitrios is at his peak. We will see the introduction of another A.I to the team in issue #7 and also come issue #8 a new division of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be involved specifically there Robot Hunter Squad and also to my surprise we will be seeing the Uncanny Avengers, I can't wait to see how Araujo draws these characters and the scenery for the 130th century, this story involves the extinction of the human race, with the original teaser now making more sense and as Humphries said in his most recent interview with CBR about his All-New Marvel NOW! story "Artificial Intelligence never die -- they just grow smarter." and I am super excited to see how this takes the title further!
This pairs together the successful team of Hickman and Caselli again from there brilliant title Secret Warriors, with Nick Spencer co writing with Hickman as he has been doing with the most recent Infinity tie-ins. Being another Avengers title I will probably pick this up, but with there being so many Avengers titles currently on the shelves I hope it manages to stand up with some of he better titles out there.
The next new title to be announced, the unofficial sequel to Avengers Arena, Avengers Undercover to be created by the same team of AA, Dennis Hopeless and Kev Walker. Avengers Arena was one of those books that when announced during the previous slate of Marvel NOW! titles everyone guffawed. Despite those who did it has turned out to be a surprise hit! Avengers Undercover will see the young heroes who survived the Arena trying to gain some retribution by trying to take down the Masters of Evil. But will some of our would be heroes find out they are better suited to the life of a Villain? This will be going on my pick list and if you have not yet read Arena I strongly recommend you do. The first image of the characters involved can be found below.
The next big announcement was not regarding a new title as such but a new creative team of Ales Kot and Michael Walsh on Secret Avengers, who recently released the great Zero from Image Comics, with it also receiving a new #1 issue to go with a little bit of a team change with Spider-Woman joining the team of Hawkeye, Black Widow, Agent Coulson and Nick Fury Jnr, I can not wait to see what these two creators get up to with the team and also the image released with the announcement was drawn by a favourite artist of mine Declan Shalvey so fingers crossed he may be on covers duty for this after finishing a great run on Winter Soldier and Venom. Considering I have recently had to take Secret Avengers off of my monthly pick list during my most recent "Budget Cull" it looks like I will be having to find a space for it once more.
Other highlights from the panel included the apparent return of Original Nick Fury who will be making appearances in the the Avengers books, which is nice to hear seeing as one of my favourite books in recent years heavily involved him so I look forward to seeing why he appears.
Not much was mentioned regarding Uncanny Avengers other than the already known news that Steve McNiven is joining the title for "Ragnarok Now", being one of my favourite artists I can not wait to see how he brings Remender's story to life, we were also teased that some time soon there will be more on the future of the title and it's third arc beginning with Uncanny Avengers #18 that will be called "Avenge Earth" so it may not have had a major presence at the con but sounds like there are big things coming from Marvel's Avengers Unity Team.
Finally New Avengers will be the Avengers title heavily involved in Inhumanity and will involve the Avengers and Black Bolt side of the storyline. New Avengers is easily one of the best Avengers titles currently out and you can see that Hickman is enjoying writing about the Illuminati and the secrets that they deal with behind the scenes of the everyday Marvel Universe.
So there is a lot to look forward to from the Avengers titles going forward into 2014.
NYCC 2013: Scott Snyder announces the return of Stephanie Brown and her first appearance since the New 52!
You may have noticed that this blog is predominantly filled with posts about Marvel Comics, there's no hiding that I am a Marvel Fanboy, from the television programmes of the 90's where it all began, to the comics, the movies and the games.
But when the New 52 came about in September 2011 I took this opportunity to begin reading many of the DC titles friends of mine had always recommended, but seeing as I didn't start collecting comics till I was 16 I had missed a decade of story plots and found the universe well basically to confusing.
However obviously I knew of Batman and of Superman and the rest of the Justice League and of these characters the only two I am currently still picking up monthly since 2011 are Batman from Snyder and Capullo and also Wonder Woman from Azarello and Chiang.
Despite all this by following comics news it was easy to become aware of who Stephanie Brown was and how important a character she was to many a DC fan. Every Convention since at every DC live event the question was always asked of Dan DiDio "When will we see Stephanie Brown be turning up in the New 52?" Well these fans finally have there answer during the Batman panel Scott Snyder along with James Tynion IV made the announcement that they will not have to wait much longer come Spring 2014 and with the release of the new Batman weekly series Stephanie Brown will return to our pages in Batman Eternal as her original character Spoiler.
So for those Batgirl and Stephanie Brown fans out there keep your eyes peeled to the early year solicitations each month to work out when you will finally see this character return to your pages.
NYCC 2013: Silver Surfer
Well one of the big announcements, and one that has been rumoured for quite some time, is that Silver Surfer will be getting a monthly series again from the creative team of Dan Slott and Mike Allred. The Marvel Cosmic Universe has received an impressive rejuvenation within the Marvel NOW! initiative with the likes of Guardians of the Galaxy and Nova becoming surprise hits since there release, and all these titles have some of the best talent in the industry attached to them, Brian Michael Bendis, Steve McNiven, Sarah Pichelli, Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness, Zeb Wells and Paco Medina and now joining this list are the brilliant Dan Slott and Mike Allred.
I'm fairly certain everybody should know these two creators but just in case Dan Slott is the writer who caused absolute uproar when killing off Peter Parker, which if you haven't read Superior Spider-Man you won't know was a brilliant move with Superior Spider-Man proving you can have a brilliant Spider story without Peter Parker in the suit, although enough about Superior this isn't the right post to rave about it. But it's safe to say that Slott is currently writing one of the best comics on the shelves.
Mike Allred is best known to me from his work on FF with Matt Fraction which sadly has been announced to be coming to an end come January 2014 this was a surprise favourite for me and I can not wait to see his Silver Surfer, which if the image released with the announcement is anything to go by looks as if he was born to draw the character.
This is slated for a March 2014 release and this will certainly be being added to my pick list!
NYCC 2013: All-New Ghost Rider & All-New Punisher
Well I spent ages typing this up yesterday to then go off and do something else and came back to find out the app had decided to delete my post. So here I go again...
Ghost Rider and Punisher are announcements I expected, having recently travelled to the the brilliant D.I.C.E. in Dublin, Dundrum, Ireland all put together by the friendly crew at Big Bang Comics, this reminds me I still need to write about my experience there, anyway back to the point at hand while at the con there was a Marvel Panel which I attended with my dad and at this once the floor opened to fan questions one of the first to come up was about Punisher and Ghost Rider and whether they will be returning to there own monthly series'. The moderator of the panel, Marvel talent scout C.B.Cebulski told the crowd to expect new titles from these characters in early 2014 hence why I expected an announcement. But what excites me most is the talent and creators on these titles.
First off, but in no particular order, Marvel announced a new Ghost Rider Series from Felipe Smith, who is a new creator to my ears, and Tradd Moore, who illustrated the popular Legend of Luthor Strode with Justin Jordan at Image and whose work I am familiar with from a select few Deadpool covers;
Above is an image, most probably a cover, by Tradd Moore for this new series, this image was released by Marvel with an interview with Paul Montgomery, which I strongly recommend giving a read. Ghost Rider is another character who I never have managed to jump into since I started collecting comics, I use to stick solely to my Avengers books. It has been made clear this wouldn't be Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider but a new host for a Spirit of Bengeance, his vehicle of choice being a car will make him easy to pick from the crowd of past Ghost Riders and also with the character being an 18 year old called Robbie Reyes it seems he may be more relatable than others. I can see this comic being one to watch but we'll know more come the March solicits and obviously when it's released in March itself.
Right, next we have the new Punisher series to come from All-New Marvel NOW! This will be released in February coming from the creative team of Nathan Edmondson and Mitch Gerads. These two are relatively unknown to me, from the little I have seen of Gerad's work I really like his style and the art work released alongside the announcement doesn't disappoint.
The little I know about Nathan Edmondson is that he has several successful books at Image Comics and I look forward to having the chance to finally pick up some of his work and may even go grab a trade of Who is Jake Ellis? It's the same with Mitch Gerad I'm not particularly familiar with his work but an unknown creative team is sometimes exciting when picking up a new book especially as you don't know what to expect until you upon up the first issue.
These two creative teams contain relatively unknown talent for me and I can not wait to see what they produce with two characters I am looking forward to finally have the chance to read. Punisher has long been on my to read list and I certainly need to pick up the Greg Rucka run, and with Ghost Rider this is finally my chance to see what a Spirit of Vengenance is made of. Punisher out Feb 2014 and All-New Ghost Rider out March 2014.
Monday, 14 October 2013
New York Comic Con 2013 The Announcements that grabbed my attention...
Something important took place over this weekend, New York Comic Con 2013. I hoped to post about this regularly over the course of the weekend but have been to busy to get on my laptop. So I've found as bit if time time to write about my favourite announcements, although this is all being done on my iPad so may not post as well as others do. I will attach links to this post as I write up about my highlights.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Fantastic Fan Made Trailer for Jock's Savage Wolverine run by none other than his son!
I'm a little late on getting this up on the site, I'm fairly certain if you wanted to see it you would have by now, but Jock announced on Twitter that his son had created a trailer for his current 3 issue run on Savage Wolverine and well if you weren't thinking of getting this already, which I strongly recommend you should, I will let this trailer make the argument for why you should definitely be picking up this title, for me!
All-New Marvel NOW! The teasers continued
This week saw the teasers continued for Marvel NOW! With more teasers comes more thoughts as to what they are for... so here are my thoughts on the few that caught my eye and find the teasers for the others at the bottom;
Overdrive, I have a strong feeling this is going to be one of the All-New Marvel NOW! issue ones rather than a point NOW! issue. I do not know much of Felipe Smith but have enjoyed the artwork of Tradd Moore with the few items drawn by him that I've picked up. Many of the comic sites are guessing this may be a Ghost Rider comic or this could be to do with a new character to come out of Inhumanity. I would have thought a new Ghost Rider comic would be announced at the Superior Spider-Man panel along with the other street level heroes but it won't be long now till we finally find out what this is teasing along with the rest and also while at the Marvel Panel at DICE 2013 recently C B Cebulski did mention that there will be news on Ghost Rider along with The Punisher.
Ales Kot has recently jumped on Secret Avengers with Nick Spencer and this could be what this is to do with, or this could also be teasing the Black Widow comic everyone seems to believe will be coming. Another hope of mine is that this may be a new Secret Warriors themed team although Jonathan Hickman did such a great job on that title that I'm not sure whether I would want to see a new or re-incarnation of the book I just miss it. But on that note the word 'Frenemies' certainly sets the tone for a Spy/ Assassin thriller and with Kot and Walsh's recent successful launch of their creator owned Zero with Image we already know that this team can create a great spy thriller! This will be one of my highlights of the show to find out what they will be on and there is a space on my Monthly pull list ready for this title!
Have you been enjoying Avengers Arena? Well I most certainly have, and along with many others. Avengers Arena from Hopeless and Walker turned out to be one of the most interesting Avengers titles out there and also a surprise favourite among fans. Originally when teased to have a Hunger Games-esque, Battle Royal type theme to it everyone baulked at the idea. Now after an incredibly successful run and its current form coming to its natural end I am happy to see that this creative team has something to announce at the Avengers panel at New York Comic Con. Clearly the next "season", as the word keeps being used, for the teenagers of the Marvel Universe I can not wait to see what is to come next from some of Marvel's great teen heroes with one of their breakout creative teams of the year!
Along with Avengers Arena, Avengers A.I by Humphries and Araujo, spiralling out from Age of Ultron, is currently one of my standout favourites and possibly the Avengers title I most look forward to each month. Yes, yes, Hickman is doing a great job on Avengers but as the Flagship title this requires accessibility and does not get much chance to experiment. With Avengers A.I. Marvel have one of there up and coming writing talents working on a great concept with another promising talent in Araujo. With issue 4 out tomorrow, I very much look forward to hearing what it is to come next from this title, and hoping the word "Extinction" has nothing to do with the length of its shelf life shall we say?

Overdrive, I have a strong feeling this is going to be one of the All-New Marvel NOW! issue ones rather than a point NOW! issue. I do not know much of Felipe Smith but have enjoyed the artwork of Tradd Moore with the few items drawn by him that I've picked up. Many of the comic sites are guessing this may be a Ghost Rider comic or this could be to do with a new character to come out of Inhumanity. I would have thought a new Ghost Rider comic would be announced at the Superior Spider-Man panel along with the other street level heroes but it won't be long now till we finally find out what this is teasing along with the rest and also while at the Marvel Panel at DICE 2013 recently C B Cebulski did mention that there will be news on Ghost Rider along with The Punisher.
Ales Kot has recently jumped on Secret Avengers with Nick Spencer and this could be what this is to do with, or this could also be teasing the Black Widow comic everyone seems to believe will be coming. Another hope of mine is that this may be a new Secret Warriors themed team although Jonathan Hickman did such a great job on that title that I'm not sure whether I would want to see a new or re-incarnation of the book I just miss it. But on that note the word 'Frenemies' certainly sets the tone for a Spy/ Assassin thriller and with Kot and Walsh's recent successful launch of their creator owned Zero with Image we already know that this team can create a great spy thriller! This will be one of my highlights of the show to find out what they will be on and there is a space on my Monthly pull list ready for this title!
Have you been enjoying Avengers Arena? Well I most certainly have, and along with many others. Avengers Arena from Hopeless and Walker turned out to be one of the most interesting Avengers titles out there and also a surprise favourite among fans. Originally when teased to have a Hunger Games-esque, Battle Royal type theme to it everyone baulked at the idea. Now after an incredibly successful run and its current form coming to its natural end I am happy to see that this creative team has something to announce at the Avengers panel at New York Comic Con. Clearly the next "season", as the word keeps being used, for the teenagers of the Marvel Universe I can not wait to see what is to come next from some of Marvel's great teen heroes with one of their breakout creative teams of the year!
Along with Avengers Arena, Avengers A.I by Humphries and Araujo, spiralling out from Age of Ultron, is currently one of my standout favourites and possibly the Avengers title I most look forward to each month. Yes, yes, Hickman is doing a great job on Avengers but as the Flagship title this requires accessibility and does not get much chance to experiment. With Avengers A.I. Marvel have one of there up and coming writing talents working on a great concept with another promising talent in Araujo. With issue 4 out tomorrow, I very much look forward to hearing what it is to come next from this title, and hoping the word "Extinction" has nothing to do with the length of its shelf life shall we say?

Star Wars Rebels: Teaser Trailer
Check out the Star Wars Rebels Teaser Trailer below, doesn't give much away, a brief glimpse at the art style but it is just a planet and a ship and we also now know that there will be Jedi involved along with the Empire and the beginning of the Rebel Alliance, well its a Star Wars programme so that was inevitable right? It is yet to be seen whether anything pre Disney, Force Unleashed, will be taken into account. I do hope so as the first Force Unleashed game was one of the best Star Wars games in recent times and created a great origin for the Rebel Alliance, and lets just forget the sequel ever happened... please.
I'm certain there will be more news for this by the end of this weekend with the Star Wars Rebels panel at New York Comic Con on Saturday. But for now check out the teaser trailer below.
Monday, 30 September 2013
All-New Marvel NOW! Teasers Galore, and there still coming... My Thoughts
So Marvel started teasing one word hints and creative teams for upcoming All-New Marvel NOW! projects from Wednesday last week and they have continued today, I wonder how many more there are still to come? I'm not convinced that these are all new titles and I have my guesses for a few.
"Trial" teased with the creative team of Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen and more to be revealed at the Amazing X-Men and the Marvel Universe Panel 11/10/2013 11:00am. Well what could this be, well my guess is that this may be to do with the X-Men's sudden passion for time travel, I am certain that Bendis said he hoped to cross his X-Men title with his other title Guardians of the Galaxy and considering the revelation between Thanos and Peter Quill in the most recent issue of Guardians of the Galaxy I am sure there is more to be answered for when it comes to the X-Men's recent abuse of the timeline. Considering this is to do with Bendis and Immonen I suggest it will be taking place within the pages of All-New X-Men and this is not teasing a new #1 issue.
"Judgement" teased with the creative team of Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli once again with more to be revealed at New York Comic Con at the Amazing X-Men and the Marvel Universe Panel. Considering the use of the flame filled font on both these teasers these must be linked. Pichelli is currently working on Guardians of the Galaxy with Bendis, and its because of these sets of creative teams that I believe this has something to do with a clash between the All-New X-Men and Guardians of the Galaxy. Chances are I may have this completely wrong, but because my memory is telling me Bendis first mentioned when he started on these titles that he hoped for them to cross paths at some point, well looks to me that All-New Marvel NOW! will be that point.
Right "Mindbubble" this is the one that has me a little stumped. Remender is currently working on Uncanny Avengers and Captain America. I know that Nic Klein will be joining Remender on Cap sometime soon but this may be just as a fill in for Pacheco. My guess is that considering the work load Remender currently has this is not another new #1 issue but a All-New Marvel NOW! jumping on point for one of his titles. Considering the art team and also the fact that McNiven is currently on Uncanny Avengers my best guess is that this has something to do with Captain America. I may well be surprised come the Avengers Panel at NYCC on 11/10/2013 @ 4:00pm. But at this point my money is on the next big story for Captain America.
SILVER SURFER! Well that is what I am 99.9999999 percent sure this "RAD!" is teasing. Slott when setting up at a con apparently accidentally has his desktop displayed on a projector screen and on this desktop were files or a file relating to Silver Surfer. Another reason I hope I am completely correct is one of my favourite titles from the first Marvel NOW! was FF with Allred on art and I very much want this to be him drawing a Silver Surfer comic. This will be announced and hopefully confirmed at the Inhumanity & All-New Marvel NOW! Panel so this must be a new #1!
Unfortunately Peter David is a writer whos work I follow other than the fact I know he most recently wrote and brought to an end his run on X-Factor. Considering the very little I know regarding the creators on this teaser I can only go with the rumours I have been reading on the internet and that is that this will be a X-Factor comic, a new beginning of sorts coming as part of the All-New Marvel NOW! wave. To be announced at the Amazing X-Men and the Marvel Universe Panel it looks like Marvel are planning on having a very busy and exciting NYCC this year. I have the dates in my calendar and the times of the panels, I do not want to miss any of this news in 1 weeks time.
Another reveal with Slott's name on it and his frequent collaborator and current Spider-Man artist Giuseppe Camuncoli. "The End" well Doc Ock's Superior Spider-Man initiative seems to be hitting the rocks recently which is making for one of the most entertaining books currently being released, but all good things have to come to an end right? Not everyone is convinced this is to do with Superior Spider-Man, but writing 2 issues of Spidey a month and also with the most recent "Rad!" teaser I don't think Slott would have time for another on-going, some sites have mentioned a limited series but considering the panel this is teased for, the Superior Spider-Man & Friends panel this can only be to do with Spider-Man himself. Maybe more will be made clear come the teased to be important issue at the end of October. But for now my money is on this seeing the return of Peter Parker, and well just in time for that movie coming out in May.
Another All-New Marvel NOW! teaser I don't believe is related to a new #1 issue. Hickman and Spencer have recently been co-writing Avengers and Spencer is also on Secret Avengers, Caselli has recently worked on Avengers with Hickman. I can't see there really being another Avengers title considering the amount of them there already are, Avengers, New Avengers, Secret Avengers, Mighty Avengers, Uncanny Avengers, Avengers Arena, Young Avengers and Avengers A.I., although a few of them will be coming to their natural end soon. No this must be to do with the next stage in Hickman's big plan for the Avengers, currently in the middle of Inhumanity and with the .NOW issue of Avengers revealed for December I think this will have something to do with the next phase of Avengers.
I have read up a little on this one with other comic news sites. But I already knew Soule has recently come on to Thunderbolts for the Infinity tie-ins. One theory was this has something to do with Deadpool considering Barbieri's history with the character, however with Duggan and Posehn doing such a sterling job on that character and Sinners being plural this really hints at being a team of characters. With Soule currently on Thunderbolts and the current odd makeup and direction of the title this may be a re-hash which Soule will be leading the charge with. I have to take most of my speculation from the likes of CBR and Newsarama and come to the conclusion that this will be a Thunderbolts book, whether this will start again from #1 or just be receiving some form of All-New Marvel NOW! treatment all will be known come the end of the Amazing X-Men and the Marvel Universe Panel.
"HIGHER" + Kelly Sue DeConnick = CAPTAIN MARVEL! Good old Carol Danvers, I can't imagine this being anything else and don't think I really need to explain much further, with Captain Marvel's recent absence from solicitations this must have something to do with the character. I regret not continuing to pick up Captain Marvel especially as currently some of my favourite titles are the $2.99 issues which seem to team up some great artists with brilliant writers. So I do hope this is more to come from Captain Marvel!
Well this looks like Marvel's NYCC schedule is going to be jam packed, and something tells me this isn't the end of the teasers yet and there are still more to come during this week. Expect these teasers to be related to books coming out in February, or possibly January, but I imagine that most publishers will be releasing there January solicitations next week before NYCC.
"Trial" teased with the creative team of Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen and more to be revealed at the Amazing X-Men and the Marvel Universe Panel 11/10/2013 11:00am. Well what could this be, well my guess is that this may be to do with the X-Men's sudden passion for time travel, I am certain that Bendis said he hoped to cross his X-Men title with his other title Guardians of the Galaxy and considering the revelation between Thanos and Peter Quill in the most recent issue of Guardians of the Galaxy I am sure there is more to be answered for when it comes to the X-Men's recent abuse of the timeline. Considering this is to do with Bendis and Immonen I suggest it will be taking place within the pages of All-New X-Men and this is not teasing a new #1 issue.
"Judgement" teased with the creative team of Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli once again with more to be revealed at New York Comic Con at the Amazing X-Men and the Marvel Universe Panel. Considering the use of the flame filled font on both these teasers these must be linked. Pichelli is currently working on Guardians of the Galaxy with Bendis, and its because of these sets of creative teams that I believe this has something to do with a clash between the All-New X-Men and Guardians of the Galaxy. Chances are I may have this completely wrong, but because my memory is telling me Bendis first mentioned when he started on these titles that he hoped for them to cross paths at some point, well looks to me that All-New Marvel NOW! will be that point.
Right "Mindbubble" this is the one that has me a little stumped. Remender is currently working on Uncanny Avengers and Captain America. I know that Nic Klein will be joining Remender on Cap sometime soon but this may be just as a fill in for Pacheco. My guess is that considering the work load Remender currently has this is not another new #1 issue but a All-New Marvel NOW! jumping on point for one of his titles. Considering the art team and also the fact that McNiven is currently on Uncanny Avengers my best guess is that this has something to do with Captain America. I may well be surprised come the Avengers Panel at NYCC on 11/10/2013 @ 4:00pm. But at this point my money is on the next big story for Captain America.
SILVER SURFER! Well that is what I am 99.9999999 percent sure this "RAD!" is teasing. Slott when setting up at a con apparently accidentally has his desktop displayed on a projector screen and on this desktop were files or a file relating to Silver Surfer. Another reason I hope I am completely correct is one of my favourite titles from the first Marvel NOW! was FF with Allred on art and I very much want this to be him drawing a Silver Surfer comic. This will be announced and hopefully confirmed at the Inhumanity & All-New Marvel NOW! Panel so this must be a new #1!
Unfortunately Peter David is a writer whos work I follow other than the fact I know he most recently wrote and brought to an end his run on X-Factor. Considering the very little I know regarding the creators on this teaser I can only go with the rumours I have been reading on the internet and that is that this will be a X-Factor comic, a new beginning of sorts coming as part of the All-New Marvel NOW! wave. To be announced at the Amazing X-Men and the Marvel Universe Panel it looks like Marvel are planning on having a very busy and exciting NYCC this year. I have the dates in my calendar and the times of the panels, I do not want to miss any of this news in 1 weeks time.
Another reveal with Slott's name on it and his frequent collaborator and current Spider-Man artist Giuseppe Camuncoli. "The End" well Doc Ock's Superior Spider-Man initiative seems to be hitting the rocks recently which is making for one of the most entertaining books currently being released, but all good things have to come to an end right? Not everyone is convinced this is to do with Superior Spider-Man, but writing 2 issues of Spidey a month and also with the most recent "Rad!" teaser I don't think Slott would have time for another on-going, some sites have mentioned a limited series but considering the panel this is teased for, the Superior Spider-Man & Friends panel this can only be to do with Spider-Man himself. Maybe more will be made clear come the teased to be important issue at the end of October. But for now my money is on this seeing the return of Peter Parker, and well just in time for that movie coming out in May.
Another All-New Marvel NOW! teaser I don't believe is related to a new #1 issue. Hickman and Spencer have recently been co-writing Avengers and Spencer is also on Secret Avengers, Caselli has recently worked on Avengers with Hickman. I can't see there really being another Avengers title considering the amount of them there already are, Avengers, New Avengers, Secret Avengers, Mighty Avengers, Uncanny Avengers, Avengers Arena, Young Avengers and Avengers A.I., although a few of them will be coming to their natural end soon. No this must be to do with the next stage in Hickman's big plan for the Avengers, currently in the middle of Inhumanity and with the .NOW issue of Avengers revealed for December I think this will have something to do with the next phase of Avengers.
I have read up a little on this one with other comic news sites. But I already knew Soule has recently come on to Thunderbolts for the Infinity tie-ins. One theory was this has something to do with Deadpool considering Barbieri's history with the character, however with Duggan and Posehn doing such a sterling job on that character and Sinners being plural this really hints at being a team of characters. With Soule currently on Thunderbolts and the current odd makeup and direction of the title this may be a re-hash which Soule will be leading the charge with. I have to take most of my speculation from the likes of CBR and Newsarama and come to the conclusion that this will be a Thunderbolts book, whether this will start again from #1 or just be receiving some form of All-New Marvel NOW! treatment all will be known come the end of the Amazing X-Men and the Marvel Universe Panel.
"HIGHER" + Kelly Sue DeConnick = CAPTAIN MARVEL! Good old Carol Danvers, I can't imagine this being anything else and don't think I really need to explain much further, with Captain Marvel's recent absence from solicitations this must have something to do with the character. I regret not continuing to pick up Captain Marvel especially as currently some of my favourite titles are the $2.99 issues which seem to team up some great artists with brilliant writers. So I do hope this is more to come from Captain Marvel!
Well this looks like Marvel's NYCC schedule is going to be jam packed, and something tells me this isn't the end of the teasers yet and there are still more to come during this week. Expect these teasers to be related to books coming out in February, or possibly January, but I imagine that most publishers will be releasing there January solicitations next week before NYCC.
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