Thursday, 9 May 2013

Adventures of Superman

Adventures of Superman (Digital First)

Writer: Jeff Parker/ Jeff Lemire

Artist: Chris Samnee/ Jeff Lemire

There was a lot of hooha surrounding the beginning of this Digital first series better known as the Scott Card Saga. But the time has finally come and the first two installments have since been released. If, like most, the New 52 currently isn't providing you the Superman stories you enjoy or expect then these are a great way to the stories that are great fun and make the most of the character, and as you can notice this is not New 52 Superman, he has pants.

Adventures of Superman Chapter One: The first installment was from the creative team of Jeff Parker and Chris Samnee, and well the moment this team up was announced I could not wait to see Chris Samnee illustrating a Superman story. Both the story here and the art are great. The drama in the issue of Superman protecting both the innocent but also trying to do his best not hurt or kill his enemy really portrays the characteristics of Superman and his virtues. Also the concept of Luthor testing out weapons until he can find a way to defeat Superman is enjoyable, and seeing Superman at his heroic best is of course what you expect from the character. Chris Samnee's art is stunning, action packed, seamless and has great energy, also whether deliberate or not there is a great easter egg in this issue which comes with the name of the Irish Pub, Shalvey's, has this anything to do with his artist pal Declan Shalvey? Well if not it is a huge coincidence. This chapter was thoroughly enjoyable and a great way to start this new digital first title.

Adventures of Superman Chapter Two: The second installment of these digital firsts was both written and illustrated by Jeff Lemire. This is the first opportunity I have had to see Jeff Lemire illustrate a book, and I was not disappointed and leaves me more excited for his upcoming Vertigo title Trillium, but anyway back to the point at hand. Lemire writes and illustrates a heartfelt story of two kids playing at being Superhero and Supervillain, at the beginning there was obviously a fight over who gets to be Superman. What I love about this issue, is how the boy who gets stuck being the supervillain goes through the whole Superman rogues gallery in an attempt to defeat Superman, but obviously at the end of the day Superman always wins! And the final scene is touching when it is revealed that Superman appears and witnesses the influence and hope he is giving these children. This chapter is on par if not better than the first, but these two chapters have completely different concepts.

Quite frankly at 69p per issue you really don't have an excuse not to get this, and with these being possibly the best Superman tales to be released recently any fan should be looking to download these, or picking these up when the first compilation issue is released in June. With Man of Steel out in just over a month this is a great way to get good Superman stories in anticipation for the film. Click the link below to download your copy;

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