Sunday, 14 April 2013

My Comic of the Week 10-04-2013

Uncanny Avengers #6:

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Daniel Acuña

So I have been waiting for this moment to happen, and also been trying to avoid it, where my One to Watch also managed to become my Comic of the Week. But there was no doubting that this would be my comic of the week. After all the delays to this book it has finally managed to find its place and hit the ground running and Remender is back to his best. Cassaday has unfortunately left on interior art, but stays on covers, or is it unfortunate? The artistic talents of Daniel Acuña have been brought to the book and boy does this bring a whole new energy to this title. There are some superb panels in this Thor dominated issue. Thor vs Apocalypse, well what more could you ask Thor. A new addition to the history of Thor, introducing a new weapon with a new name, and oh my does it pack a punch. This contains just the sort of gripping and rewarding story I expect from Remender and I could not be happier with the art work on this book and hope that Acuña is here to stay for some time. The wheels have been set in motion for the next big story arc for this flagship title of Marvel NOW! And also this may contain possibly the most rewarding, re-working of a famous Marvel character quote ever written which left me both smiling and chuckling on my train into work. All my disappointment over the delays of this title are forgiven.  I can't wait to pick up the next issue which is out in two weeks. My comic of the week Uncanny Avengers #6! 

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