Wednesday 15 January 2014

Amazing Spider-Man and Peter Parker to return in April with a new #1

I am writing this post on Sunday morning after just reading the news, but having also read Dan Slott's tweets regarding avoiding the news and to respect his wish for people to try and not read this before Wednesday this will be posted on Wednesday afternoon once everyone has had the opportunity to read the upcoming issue of Superior Spider-Man.

Well it was inevitable and its finally been confirmed, although I must admit there have been times I believed Slott when he said Peter Parker is dead and will not return. Amazing Spider-Man will return in April with Slott continuing to scribe the tales of the wall crawler and Ramos on art.

This announcement comes as a double edge sword for me. I am happy that Peter Parker will be returning to the pages of a Spider-Man comic book but, well, I have really enjoyed Superior Spider-Man haven't you? Doc Ock Spidey has been nothing but entertaining and putting this socially deranged former super villain into the body of New York's greatest hero has turned out have been a stroke of genius.

Amazing Spider-Man may be returning, but now this means Dan Slott's masterful plan for his return will be arriving in the pages of Superior Spider-Man and if it is anything like the carefully laid out plan for the original "Death" of Peter Parker in issue #700 this is gonna be one hell of a ride in the issues running up to Amazing Spider-Man #1 in April 2014.

In an ideal world there will be a way for both Superior and Amazing to co-exist but I can't see a way this will be possible. What does this mean for the other Superior titles including The Superior Foes of Spider-Man which has turned out to be a surprising hit. Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber have done a great job on this title.

One things for sure April is turning out to  be another stellar month of #1's for Marvel and the return of there most high profile hero just before the release of his next feature film is a welcome one.

For more on the original story check out the link below;

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